Friday, August 27, 2021



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Today's devotional reading for:
Friday, Aug 27, 2021

“Seeing is Believing”

Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, that those who do not see may see …”

— John 9:39

There is an old mariners’ chart drawn in 1525 by an unknown cartographer that now resides in the British museum. It depicts the coast of some forbidding and unknown continent. 

The cartographer wrote in various places on the chart, “Here be giants” and again, “Here be fiery scorpions,” and, “Here be dragons.” 

Somehow, during his lifetime, it fell into the hands of the then-renowned scientist, Sir John Franklin, a Christian, who put a line through each of those fearsome statements and wrote across it all: “Here is God.” 

What fearsome, unknown continent was depicted on the chart? 

It was the east coast of the United States. 

When God is near, dragons, scorpions, and giants flee.

The world says, “Seeing is believing.” 

But the Bible teaches believing is seeing, and when God enables us to trust in Jesus Christ, we begin to see things we have never seen before. 

The fear of the unknown gives way to a trust in Him who is there.

The spiritual world with dangers and foes we cannot even imagine are all overcome by Christ when He made a spectacle of them on the Cross. 

So put on the full armor of God, and thus we can stand.

Question to ponder:
What are the “dragons” and “giants” you may fear?


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