Thursday, August 5, 2021



The email begins, "We are Jewish. My father survived Auschwitz." 

It's been more than 80 years since her father escaped a different human medical experiment, but now the stories he shared are playing out in America.

The pleas for help weigh heavy on my heart. 

I will not be silent. 

We will fight for these precious people.

Later, I want to invite you to spread the word about Walkout Wednesday on August 11. 

There's a lot going on, so please read on! — Mat

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I want to ask for prayer. 

We are being flooded with desperate pleas for help from people who have already been injured by the COVID jabs, as well as people in fear for their lives, if they take the shot, or their livelihoods or future education, if they refuse.

The daily stories of disability, loss and tragedy weigh heavy on all our hearts. 

Please pray for the strength and fortitude to bear the weight of their sorrows as we stand and defend the defenseless.

A woman we'll call Sarah wrote to us this week, and her comments put this battle into acute perspective ...

An unauthorized human medical experiment

"We are Jewish. My father survived Auschwitz. 

We always had the childhood vaccines. 

But this one is different," writes Sarah, whose daughter will lose her nursing job at a major hospital if she does not take the jab.

Staff members at the hospital are "terrified to take it, because of all the complications people are having from it. 

She does see the side effects from her own patients."

Sarah goes on to spotlight something we have mentioned over and over, but it takes a different importance considering what happened to her father and millions of other Jews who the Nazis used like human guinea pigs ...

Sarah asks, "What if something happens to the people forced to take the injection just to keep their job? 

What happens if they can't work anymore if something happens to them, even death?"

Defend the Defenseless—Support the Liberty Counsel Legal Fund TODAY.

"Dana" (name changed for privacy) is wondering the same thing as Sarah.

Dana had a full physical done just days before taking the Moderna shot. 

She was in "excellent health." 

But after the shot, Dana fainted in the kitchen. 

Her blood pressure skyrocketed to dangerous levels, and she was not only slurring her words but was also unable to walk or even stand.

Dana spent days in the hospital, undergoing test after test. 

Yet, doctors could not figure out why Dana's blood pressure would jump to dangerously sky-high levels and to equally dangerous rock-bottom levels.

Several months later, Dana still must be rushed to the ER every time her blood pressure spikes and falls to be saved from potential stroke or heart attack.

No one can give Dana answers, advice or even hope for recovery.

The reported deaths from the COVID in seven months is more than all the reported deaths from all vaccines combined over the past 31 years. 

The failed Swine Flu shot (also rushed to market) was stopped after 53 deaths. 

Yet, an average of 57 people have died each day of the past seven months from the COVID jabs.

People are not being informed that they are the subject of a human clinical trial. 

And that's illegal under both U.S. and international law—specifically the very laws that were a result of the profound suffering of people like Sarah's father in Nazi Germany.

The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to the human medical experiments that Nazi doctors performed on Jews against their will.

The Nuremberg Code says people cannot be forced to participate in a human medical experiment against their will ...

But Joe Biden is doing it anyway. 

This is a crime against humanity!

Sarah ended her note with the same desperate plea we receive hundreds of times a day: "Can you help us?"

We need YOUR HELP to DEFEND AGAINST MANDATORY SHOTS or VACCINE PASSPORTS. Please, give generously today for FREEDOM tomorrow!

Will Sarah, daughter of an Auschwitz death camp survivor, be forced to carry a digitized yellow star, marking her as unvaccinated?

If Biden, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci get their way, ALL people who choose to exercise their freedom to decide what goes into their body will be marked and prevented from working, shopping, going to school or even worshipping.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has already said that the shots are required to enter the Big Apple, and soon it will be required to enter restaurants, gyms and theaters. Churches will be next.

Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) is lying when it says the "option to accept or refuse" does not mean you have the "option to refuse."

Thank you for standing with us through this extraordinary battle for freedom. We're overwhelmed, but we get our strength from God!

We need your help as never before. Help us help these people. YOUR GIFT WILL BE DOUBLED by our generous Challenge Grant.

There's one more thing you can do to help. ... Stop the COVID tyranny by faxing governors and Congress. 


Finally, spread the word for WalkoutWednesday on August 11—a national walkout for freedom. Visit

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Stand with us to defend these precious people.

And if you haven't already, sign the petition to demand NO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS.


"C19 VAX REACTIONS." n.d. C19 VAX REACTIONS. Accessed July 7, 2021.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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