Sunday, August 1, 2021


Progressivism is godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism;
It is a Religion.
Progressives are as zealous for their Religion
As any other Religion.
It is therefore Ironic
When “Progressives” speak against Christianity,
As if “Religion,” disqualifies them from serving in Public Office.
It is also a reality the Progressivism and Christianity are Incompatible;
They cannot Co-Exist.
The Political Atmosphere in America testifies to that fact.
America is a Divided Nation, which cannot stand as such.
This Division prevents the Nation from acting in its National Interest;
America's Debt will CRUSH it at some point,
Yet the Division prevents any action
That would stop the accumulation of more Debt,
Let alone paying down of the current Debt.
This is Suicidal.
And the Debt is only one of many Irreconcilable differences.

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