Thursday, August 5, 2021



We are receiving scores of urgent pleas for help that are deeply emotional. 

Frightened parents called us for help. 

Their just-delivered baby was born six weeks premature and is still in the hospital. 

Without their knowledge or consent—the hospital injected this premature baby with the mRNA COVID shot!

This newborn's arm turned black after this injection. 

Her life is now in danger

Desperate and worried, these parents represent many who are begging for help.

A heavy weight is pressing on us, and we are putting in long hours and late nights to help as many as possible.

To help fight the insanity, we launched Walkout Wednesday for August 11. 

Learn more below. 

Stand up and spread the word. Help us help people. —Mat

Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.


New York City now requires people entering any indoor business to show proof of vaccination

Mayor Bill de Blasio stated, "The only way to patronize these establishments indoors will be if you are vaccinated." 

This edict includes, among other places, restaurants, gyms and theaters, and will apply to everyone 12 years and older.

Those who have not been jabbed "will not be able to participate in many things," the mayor said, but for those who have, the city is "going to open up to you."

This is exactly the lead-up to the Nazi regime. 

The Jews were isolated and falsely labeled as "disease carriers." 

Fear and lies identified and segregated them. 

They were banned from certain businesses and education. 

Once demonized, the Nazis exterminated them.

Any Holocaust survivor I talk to trembles because they see the early phases of what they experienced under Nazism. 

In fact, I just did a TV interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf, a granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. 

 She wrote a book called The End of America

She is very concerned about the forced shots and vaccine passports.

We must unite and demand freedom now! If you can give to help us help people, we have a Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of your gift.

One person I know is leaving his job. 

His colleagues are glad those who have not received the shots will be terminated. 

This is un-American.

On CNN, Don Lemon said, "Don't get the vaccine, and you can't go to the supermarket. 

Don't have the vaccine. 

You can't go to the ball game. 

Don't have a vaccine, can't go to work. . . . 

We continue to waste our breath on people who are just not going to change. 

Their, you know, circular logic—they just keep going back and saying, ‘It's my freedom. It's whatever. I'm free.' . . . 

There's no logic to it. 

It's not about freedom, it's not about anything."

On the network that claims to be "The Most Trusted Name in News," Lemon is publicly advocating that food and outdoor activities be denied people who don't want to get injected. 

He hopes that loss of employment, starvation or house arrest will force these people to inject an experimental drug into their body!

This is dangerous, and yet CNN does nothing to him. 

Like in Nazi Germany, the media, corporations and even many in the medical community were complicit. 

This is a huge threat to freedom!

For some, quitting their job is not an option. 

Men and women in the military cannot give a two-week notice. 

If they do not take the jab, some will face court martial, dishonorable discharge and even a complete loss of their GI Bill benefits and retirement!

The U.S. Army just signed a deal paying Pfizer 3.5 billion dollars for 500 million doses. 

Current claims are that this is to be distributed in Africa, but we are working with many in the military who are being pressured to get the shots or face punishment.

Our freedom is under the greatest attack I have ever seen in my life. 


We must fight for premature babies, veterans, health care workers, first responders, students and anyone who is being forced. 

Stand with us so we can stand with these precious people to defend our critical freedoms.

I cannot begin to share the pleas for help, but here are a few:

  • Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health is demanding all employees get the shot or be fired. One wrote, "This decree is affecting at least 10,000 employees who do not want the shots."
  • An NCAA athlete at a Christian university was denied religious exemption. The student was told to get the injection or be removed from the team.
  • One student is starting the final semester of a nursing school that has mandated everyone must get the jab. "I had COVID. . . . I have severe Mitral Valve Prolapse. My cardiologist sent a letter to the hospital asking for medical exemption. They denied my exemption."

Help us protect millions of people who must be free to make their own choices. In addition to helping us help people with your gift, please also raise your voice across America! Send faxes to state and federal lawmakers. Say NO MANDATORY SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS!

Finally, help us spread the word about Walkout Wednesday on August 11—a national walkout for freedom. Visit


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Join our extended Challenge Grant to effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations!

Then send faxes to key leaders demanding NO MANDATORY SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS.

And sign our petition.

Click here to invite friends to join the protest!


Cole, Brendan. 2021. "How New York Vaccine Mandate Works and Where Will You Need Proof of Vaccination." Newsweek. August 4, 2021.

Hains, Tim. 2021. "Don Lemon: No Shirt, No Shoes, No Vaccine, No Service." August 1, 2021.

South, Todd. 2021. "The Army's Buying 500 Million COVID Vaccine Doses, but They're Not for Soldiers." Army Times. August 3, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854

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