Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Joe Biden has given Veterans Administration (VA) employees eight weeks to get the shot—or else. 

Then he ordered several million federal employees to take them. 

Pleas for emergency legal help are coming in like a flood. Our legal intake team is swamped with pleas from people being forced to choose between their job or the jab.

As a pastor, my heart cries for these people. As an attorney, I'm leading a seasoned litigation team to aggressively defend them!

Liberty Counsel WILL NOT allow Biden—or anyone else—to rob Americans of their medical freedom!

We need your help to support the legal fight for freedom. Please, make your best possible sacrificial gift today. 

And thanks to a special Challenge Grant, YOUR impact will be DOUBLED! 

Select here or the button below to FUND THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. — Mat


Before the Department of Veterans Affairs sent every employee a mandate to receive the COVID shots within the next eight weeks or be fired, we were already inundated with pleas for help. 

The VA even sent letters to veterans to "serve your country once again" by getting the COVID shots!

The VA is the largest health care provider in the country with 407,127 employees (including CARES Act hires), 150 hospitals and 820 outpatient clinics.

These precious people (and millions of others) are scared. We feel their anxiety and pain. We will not let them stand alone!

Among these pleas for help, a woman who works in a nursing home and rehabilitation center contacted us. 

This is what she wrote about people being admitted to her facility suffering adverse reactions following COVID shots:

The last two weeks 3 people have been admitted for rehabilitation ... same symptoms of arms becoming jelly like. First, one arm ... second, no speech ... second arm ... die. We just had a lady last night with another similar condition. I asked her last night, "did you get the vaccine?" She did ... and her symptoms have started like the three others.

Yet, the VA, the state of California, scores of employers and some other states are mandating their employees get the shots. 

Schools are also telling students to get the shots or drop out.

A student who suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome in 2019 after taking a different vaccine is being told she cannot attend her dream school unless she gets the jab. 

But doctors have said she could die if she takes the COVID shots. 

This girl turned down 200,000 dollars of scholarship funds to attend this school!

FUND THE FIGHT for MEDICAL FREEDOM. Select here or the button below.

And it's not just the VA hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers forcing Americans to get the shot. 

New York City is attempting to force anyone who even enters the city to take the jab!

Mixed in with these cries for help are emails like this one:

My daughter and I have had the first Pfizer shot and have had a lot of health problems (that are scary) since then. ... It is very hard to find anyone to help us and I don't know where to turn.

As an attorney with a pastor's heart, I wish I could convey the heartbreak I feel for these people. 

Our legal team was stretched to the limit in the height of the church restrictions litigation, which is still ongoing. 

But now, we are flooded with requests for help related to mandatory vaccinations.


Please help us as we help these precious people.

The shots are maiming, paralyzing and killing people.

VAERS, which reflects less than 1% of actual injuries, shows that the number of deaths and serious injuries caused by the COVID jabs is skyrocketing.

As of July 23, 2021, the COVID shots have:

  • Injured 518,769.
  • Hospitalized 40,991.
  • Killed 11,940.

This season of tyrannical attacks has taxed our resources. 

We have multiple religious freedom and pro-life cases pending.

And now we must defend the lives, livelihoods and freedom of people who simply want to make their own medical decisions. 

We need YOUR help today to defend freedom. 

Please, prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to defend freedom. Select here or the button below.

And we're mounting a serious challenge to Roe v. Wade!

Liberty Counsel filed a powerful brief at the Supreme Court to bring down Roe v. Wade, the detestable 1973 abortion case.

Our brief rips the racist ideology Charles Darwin unleashed in his book Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (emphasis added).

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, implemented the "Preservation of Favoured Races" part of this twisted, evil thinking.

If anything should be "canceled," it is this dark ideology. 

And with it, Margaret Sanger's eugenics and Planned Parenthood with its vast network of abortion mills.

Stand with us to fight for freedom and overturn Roe v. Wade

Our generous Challenge Grant will DOUBLE the impact of every donation. Please, prayerfully consider supporting our work today.

Help us stop the COVID tyranny by faxing governors and Congress. 


Select here or the button below.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. And join us in the battle to overturn ROE v. WADE and have YOUR impact DOUBLED by the Challenge Grant! DEFEAT ROE v. WADE.

P.P.S. Don't forget to fax state and federal lawmakers to say NO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS.

And sign our petition.


"Blacks and Hispanics Ask SCOTUS to End Racist Abortion Eugenics." Liberty Counsel, July 26, 2021. lc.org/newsroom/details/072621-blacks-and-hispanics-ask-scotus-to-end-racist-abortion-eugenics.

"VA MISSION Act of 2018: Section 505 – Personnel Transparency Quarter Ending March 31, 2021," June 10, 2021. VA-Exec-Sum-Mission-Act-Section-505-FY21-Q2.pdf

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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©1995-present, Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family. Privacy Policy.

Liberty Counsel
PO Box 540774
Orlando, FL 32854

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