Saturday, July 31, 2021



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Today's devotional reading for:
Saturday, Jul 31, 2021

Fishers of Men

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

— Matthew 4:19

One of the greatest needs of the human soul is the need for adventure. 

We long to be a part of something big, a grand epic, something beyond us. This is what Jesus offered Peter.

Jesus said to Peter, “Do not fear. From now on you will catch men” (Luke 5:10). No more slimy, scaly, smelly fish for you, Peter. 

You shall catch men—such men as you never even dreamt to speak to in your life you shall catch, for I will give your life a meaning and a significance and a purpose that you can’t even dream about. 

Your life with Me will be an adventure, not a humdrum, because you have taken Me at My word.”

The Lord offers us a part in this great adventure. 

He has a purpose for our lives. 

What He has for us is way beyond simply going to work and coming home. 

He wants us to be kingdom-builders. 

God will reveal Himself to all who seek Him diligently.

Question to ponder:
How can you open your heart to God’s big adventure? How do we find our purpose?


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