Tuesday, June 1, 2021



WFTW #21

  • The Path to Victory, Part 5
    Rick Joyner

         Jesus said that “in the world you will have tribulation” (see John 16:33). 

So, we are going to have trials in our life, but it would be much better for us to avoid the ones that are not necessary. 

This week we will address the main reasons we are subject to unnecessary trials. 

         A choice we can make that will help us avoid unnecessary trials is to make every major decision by seeking the kingdom first, and put the interests of the kingdom above every other consideration. 

He said that if we would seek His kingdom first He would take care of the other needs we have. 

So if we constantly have other needs, maybe it is because we are not seeking His kingdom first. 

         Many Christians are not in the geographic will of God because they chose where they live without seeking His kingdom first. 

Rather, they base this decision where the best job is, where they like the geography, or to be close to friends or family. 

These are not evil motives, but neither are they seeking the purposes of the kingdom first. 

Therefore, they can lead us away from the will of the Lord and His provision for us.

         When someone tells me they live where they do because of the job, I often ask them how the job is going, and it’s usually going well. 

Then I ask them how their family is doing, and it’s not so good. 

If I ask about their church life they often respond that they can’t find a church where they fit, and therefore that crucial aspect of their life is not doing well either.

         Trials come for various reasons. 

Some are allowed by God for our training and maturing so that we can fulfill our purpose in this life. 

Some are for our training and maturing for our purpose in His kingdom that is coming. 

Others are the result of our own folly or sin. 

These are unnecessary. 

We can still benefit from the lessons we learn from them, but it would obviously be better not to learn this way. 

         Other trials can be the result of a departure from the path we are called to walk by not intently and continuously seeking the will of the Lord. 

We can learn beneficial lessons from mistakes, but just because something benefits us does not mean that it is the best for us. 

God causes “all things” to work for our good (see Romans 8:28), but that does not mean they work out for the best

         In Romans 12:2 we are told, 

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” 

We are called to be different and live differently. 

We also see here that there are three levels of being in the will of the Lord: one is “good,” another is “acceptable,” and then there is the “perfect” will of God that is obviously the best.

         Since this life establishes so much for us in eternity, why do we spend so much more time and effort pursuing the things of this life that are soon going to pass away? 

Even if the lowest positions in eternity are still far beyond and more wonderful than anything in this life, why would we want to accept what is just “good” or “acceptable” for eternity? 

         Some of the ancient teachers and theologians of the church age have proposed that those who are “weeping and gnashing their teeth,” which are apparently believers, is the response of those who see what they missed because they did not seek the highest purposes of God in this life. 

For the Lord to have to wipe away all tears in heaven is evidence that there will be some there, at least for a while. 

         Our hearts are where our treasure is. 

Do we have more treasure here on earth than we do with the Lord in heaven? 

If so it will lead to troubles here and losses there. 

Now is the time to get this right.

© 2021 Rick Joyner. All Rights Reserved. 

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