Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 June 29, 2013

Shared with Public

Sometime this week, the Supreme Court will issue decisions in two cases involving the meaning and purpose of marriage.
As we anticipate the announcements, let us remember one thing: Whatever the results, it will not mean the end of our work to rebuild a culture of marriage and family.
Should the Supreme Court affirm the meaning and purpose of marriage, we will breathe a sigh of relief.
But we won’t be satisfied.
If the Supreme Court rejects the time-honored purpose of marriage, it will be because the court—like many of our friends, neighbors and colleagues—has lost the meaning of marriage and its civic importance.
We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
It will be our fault for failing to nurture and protect marriage, for looking the other way as rampant divorce, infidelity and sexual impurity chipped away at our moral authority.
It took generations to erode marriage and family, with disastrous consequences.
Restoration may take just as long.
No matter this week’s rulings, we will rededicate ourselves to renewing in American culture the profound beauty, mystery and holiness of faithful marriage.
We will be patient in the light of any setbacks.
And, in the end, we we will succeed—if we do not give up.

From The Manhattan Declaration

The so called, Supreme Court, has been an Institution of Degradation for America. It has put itself above God and His Word. In the End this will prove DISATEROUS.

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