Sunday, May 2, 2021



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Why the always-masked Biden and Harris demand that Americans live in fear
David Kupelian on preventing today’s lunatic leaders from destroying the greatest nation on earth

Dear friend of WND,
Have you noticed the common denominator in virtually everything the always-masked Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (not to mention the rest of America’s ruling elite) say and do these days?


They want us all to live in constant, unrelenting fear.

COVID is so awful, it seems, that we all have to live in continual fear, even if we’re young and healthy and have essentially zero risk of infection, even if we’re just two years old, beautiful and innocent and carefree, even if we’ve been fully vaccinated
– we MUST STILL wear a mask everywhere, even outdoors, walking in the park or riding our bicycle, or competing in a high-exertion outdoor athletic event.
If we don’t comply, we’re bad and immoral and uncaring, and we shouldn’t be seen in public, and we can’t fly on an airplane or attend a ball game, and on and on.

But wait, there’s more. Climate change is even MORE terrifying than COVID, since it poses a threat to the entire planet!
Former bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez informed us in 2019 that we have only 12 years to live – so that means now we have only 10 years left!
Darn! Unless, of course, we spend around $100 trillion (that’s more than the Gross World Product, by the way – the amount of money the entire world earns in a year) to implement her certifiably insane Green New Deal and ban everything from airplanes to cow flatulence.
It seems our “leaders” want to turn all of us into fearful and neurotic little Greta Thunbergs.

Then there’s the U.S. Capitol, fenced off from the public and guarded by armed soldiers.
Why is that, exactly?
Not to protect members of Congress and their well-armed security details from imaginary threats from white supremacist Trump supporters, but to inspire fear and dread in the American public.

Fear, however, isn’t an end in itself.
What they want is control, submission – their ticket to ultimate power.

“The dominant force in America,” says bestselling author and national radio talker Dennis Prager, “is fear of the left.”

As I said, it’s the common denominator of everything Americans are now experiencing.

Whether it’s “woke” corporations condemning, boycotting and canceling everything good and reasonable and wholesome, or “cancel culture” doxing and threatening people and getting them fired, or Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorizing the entire nation by vandalizing and burning our major cities and even going to certain leaders’ homes and spray-painting obscenities and shouting threats and curses at their family members

– it’s all about making us fearful.

How does our ruling class advance the deranged transgender agenda
– mandating that men be allowed to use women’s restrooms, showers and changing rooms and to completely destroy women’s athletics?
By inspiring fear and intimidation:
If you object to this obvious madness, you’re a bigoted, transphobic racist – and possibly a criminal.

Likewise, Big Tech censors everything that’s not progressive and leftwing.
You can no longer say the 2020 election was rigged, even though it was, or that people CANNOT actually switch from one gender to the other, or that Critical Race Theory (now taught in our public schools) is Marxist and evil.
If you express such truths, you get censored, suppressed, “fact-checked,” cancelled, de-monetized or otherwise banned. So pretty soon, many engage in self-censorship, in order to survive.

But wait.

What if we’re not fearful?
What if we don’t self-censor? What then?

The only force that can defeat our elite class’s rampant lying and fear-mongering is rampant truth-telling and courage
– and that’s the primary job of a free press in a free society. That’s what Jefferson was getting at when he wrote to Lafayette:

"The only security of all is in a free press."

Ever since WND pioneered truth-based online journalism way back in 1997, our motto has been:
“A Free Press for a Free People.”

We have been embracing and putting into practice Jefferson’s vision of a free press, one willing to report truthfully and courageously to the American public, for almost a quarter of a century.
In fact, this Wednesday, May 5, 2021, begins our 25th year of uninterrupted daily 24/7 operation.

But friends, we need your partnership right now, more than ever, because Big Tech – the gatekeeper of America’s ruling oligarchy – is literally trying to take us down.
That’s not an exaggeration.
Right now, Google is suppressing, demonetizing and branding our biggest stories as “dangerous, derogatory or shocking content.”
YouTube recently de-monetized WND entirely after we posted a video defending “MyPillow guy” and Trump supporter Mike Lindell. Facebook has kept WND in “Facebook Jail” since last September, massively suppressing WND’s traffic on their platform
– by about 90%. Three major online ad companies all succumbed to leftwing “cancel culture” pressure and canceled all their WND advertising.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, the leftwing hate group Big Tech companies rely on to identify hate groups, characterizes WND as a hate group.
You get the picture. And it never ends.

How can anyone survive such overwhelming and perverse attacks on free speech and a free press?

There is only one factor affecting WND’s continued existence and wellbeing that neither Big Tech, Team Biden, Pelosi’s Congress, “cancel culture,” “woke” advertisers who abandon us, nor the lying “mainstream media” can touch.

And that’s YOU
– and your willingness to partner with us to keep us shining a bright journalistic light into the darkness rising all around us.

Therefore, I am asking you, during this troubled but crucial time for our beloved country, to please seriously consider making a generous, tax-deductible donation to the WND News Center, the nonprofit, charitable, 501(c)3 sister organization to the for-profit WND.

WND is the oldest online Christian journalism organization in America, staffed by experienced professional journalists from all the major broadcast and print organizations, but who are also committed Christians. The WND News Center, which has been approved and designated by the IRS as a public charity, makes our original investigative reporting, breaking news, analysis and commentary available free for re-publication to other qualified news organizations.

The nonprofit route has emerged as one of the most viable vehicles for online news in the era of the Big Tech monopoly, since in addition to banning, censoring, shadow-banning, demonetizing and otherwise suppressing Christian-conservative news and expression, Big Tech has also vacuumed up 90% of all digital advertising! As a result, we are almost totally dependent on your support.

Friends, WND and the WND News Center cannot survive without you. It’s as simple as that. If you help us, we will be able to boldly report, like no one else, on the tremendous forces of anarchy, insanity and spiritual darkness that are now washing over our beloved republic. Help us push back against the tide of darkness!

Whatever you can donate, just know that you are deeply appreciated by all of us, just as, in turn, our special brand of journalism is appreciated by millions of readers. Please help keep America's free press alive! Our country needs truth like plants need sunlight!

This is a time for bold action – for all of us. Believe me, our adversaries are not holding back, and we need to not hold back either. I pray you will be inspired to join with us by making a tax-deductible donation to the WND News Center.

Thank you and God bless you,

David Kupelian
Vice President and Managing Editor, WND
Editor, Whistleblower magazine
Author, "The Marketing of Evil," "How Evil Works" and "The Snapping of the American Mind"


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