Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 It's official: Democrats are carrying out race and sex bias

Exclusive: Joseph Farah spotlights judge's ruling on COVID law that discriminates against whites

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A federal court judge in Texas last week caught the Biden administration in a hands-down case of carrying out blatant race and sex discrimination.


Judge Reed O'Connor ruled that the administration engaged in "systemic" discrimination under its American Rescue Plan.

Note the qualifier "systemic." You hear a lot about "systemic" racism, these days. 

But it's the Democrats practicing it. 

It's always been the Democrats practicing it.

They insist, though, that America is a racist country. 

It's what defines the United States. 

America is evil, not for what it did 150 years ago, but it still is characterized by this hatred today.

TRENDING: New poll shows 83 percent of Republicans would vote Trump

But I digress.

Biden was giving out COVID-19 relief for restaurants – with a preference for blacks, women, unstated minorities and "socially and economically disadvantaged" people.

Philip Greer, owner of Greer's Ranch Café, thought he should apply after losing over $100,000 during the pandemic. 

Like many restaurateurs, Greer was delighted to hear about the Restaurant Restoration Fund approved by Congress. 

However, he soon learned that, due to his race, he could not be considered until other applicants were allowed to seek funds. 

The White House and the Democratic-controlled Congress insisted that it be so.

The fund set aside $65 billion for almost 150,000 applicants with the preferential standards.

But that's unconstitutional. 

The preferences are neither "narrowly tailored" nor serve a "compelling governmental interest." 

Nancy Pelosi certainly knew that. 

Chuck Schumer certainly knew that. 

And Joe Biden certainly knew that.

In 1989, the Supreme Court rule that legislative assurances of "good intention" cannot cut the mustard.

But that's just one example of many these days. 

Are people being adversely affecting by COVID-19? 

Does it discriminate? Yes, it does – by AGE, not by race and sex.

The Biden administration, however, gave preferential treatment to minorities in the early allocation of vaccines. 

That made older white people wait – with a death penalty in some cases. 

It also had the effect of making black people vaccine-shy.

The Democratic Party has a shameful history with black people. 

They talk about the Jim Crow South as if it were a legacy of the Republicans. 

It was not – ever. 

It was a legacy if the Democrats – a legacy that gets ever more destructive as time goes by.

Just think. In 2007, Chief Justice John Roberts said, 

"The way to stop discriminating on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." John Roberts said it. 

It was conventional wisdom not 15 years ago. 

Today Marxist critical race theory is conventional "wisdom" – and Joe Biden is an ardent practitioner. 

So are almost ALL Democrats.

What has caused this realignment in the parties?

Donald J. Trump.

He got more black voters in the 2020 election than any Republican in recent history. 

Democrats can't win like that. 

That's why they routinely refer to him and his followers as "white supremacists." 

They must. It's the only game in town – that, and the claim Trump is an "insurrectionist."

But President Trump is only becoming more popular – by the minute. 

The blame game is getting old, and few people are being fooled.

The only resort the Democrats have is to become more totalitarian. 

If you can't win fair and square, you cheat openly – and lie better. Ban enemies. Blacklist opponents. Make them disappear. Cancel them.

It's just not sustainable – not in a society that has taken freedom of expression for granted.

If there are people still believing that Democrats are not racist, just look to the urban areas they control and the schools they control. 

Years of miseducation and neglect prevailed for 20 years, 30 years. Do they try anything different? 

No. Do they experiment with "school choice." No. 

Do they champion enterprise zones? No. 

Do they fund black colleges adequately? No.

Same old, same old.

On the other hand, Trump says, "Make America Great Again." And he means it.


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