Sunday, April 4, 2021




The Easter Morning sun rises on a devastated nation. 

The day that carries the best message mankind has ever heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. 

Easter sees the cruel hand of government breaking the heart of patriots. 

Resurrection morning arrives to see America praising porn and parading perversion.

Easter 2021 witnesses America digging up her heroes from the very moral bottom of society—stifling truth, yet imposing lies on children. 

The morning sun finds mothers crying and the souls of the free and the brave sitting among the ashes in the prison yard of a ‘woke’ penitentiary.

In a prior blog, we investigated Mary Magdalene on the day Jesus died. Then we relived Peter’s agony on the day after Jesus died.

Now we get personal. 

We will talk about you, on this Easter Sunday Morning, in 2021.

You are trying to love God, raise your children, and eke out a life in this American Armageddon. 

And now the enemies of God have turned their weapons on the Church. 

They are hell-bent on driving Christianity out of our nation.

So, Easter stands up and boldly reminds you, “This is nothing new. 

It was like this the first time. 

I know you cannot imagine America coming back from this. 

I know you cannot see a way for freedom, decency, justice, truth and love to pour down our streets like a river—but I can. 

The first time was total blackness and despair. 

Even those closest to Jesus could not imagine how resurrection power was about to turn the tables, flip the script, and deliver the blow to evil.”

Easter, in 2021, is neither apologetic nor soft. 

Easter is acting like a general instilling courage into a beleaguered army.  Easter roars: 


Easter is grabbing preachers by their lapels and shouting,



Easter is not an inspirational analogy.  

It is not an anecdote to be preached in a wispy voice, reminding us, 

“The long winter will eventually give way to spring.”  

That’s like talking about the atomic bomb as if it were a disposable lighter.

Today, our programs do not make Easter better.  

The world can get better entertainment in many other places, under many other banners.  

The idea that organizational-hype or stage-dazzle, can improve the resurrection, is pure foolishness.

Easter is not polite. It is fire!  

It is not about bunnies or eggs, and it has no place among the other harmless religious holidays.

On this day of all days, Easter demands we remember what separates the claims of Jesus from all religions on earth.

The difference is laid out in Acts 17:31,

“For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the Man he has appointed. 

He has given proof of this to everyone by raising Him from the dead.”

The difference is that He has given proof.  

The resurrection of Jesus is an imposing, unmatched event. 

It didn’t just happen; it is happening now.  

Its evidence won’t go away. Its power never dissipated.  

Its blast radius has yet to be measured.

Opposition only increases its power. 

The more man tries to bury news of the Resurrection, the more it spreads.   

Just when the enemies of the Cross feel secure in debunking Easter, some new wrinkle is found that pushes atheism back to square one.

The Resurrection rips away your excuses.  

God has set a Day of Judgment—a day where everyone reading this, yea, every descendant of Adam, will stand before God to be judged.  

And, He will do it with JUSTICE.

To do it with justice—to justify such a day, God would first commit an act—an act so undeniable it destroys every excuse for rejecting Christ.

Gospel preachers should never apologize at Easter.  

They should proclaim!  The proof demands it!  

It calls for all who hear to repent on the spot.  

There is nothing to mull over or go home and think about.

The difference is the proof and the proof is the difference. 

That proof is why we know the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. 

That proof is why we raise our heads, because our redemption draws nigh.

And, because He is risen indeed, that proof is about to be seen as we cast off the lies and the threats, take up the weapons of God, and reclaim our nation!

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