Friday, April 2, 2021



Craig Huey's Reality Alert
Special Easter Update Edition
Your Resource from a Judeo-Christian Worldview
Updates for April 2, 2021
Dear Friend,

Thank you for being a loyal email subscriber. 
Before you get our next full issue of Reality Alert, still being written at this time, I'm sending you this Special Easter issue about important topics that affect you, your community and our nation.

Last year Easter was canceled.

Some churches stayed open and held their Easter services, but the vast majority did not. 

Instead, Christians either did not go to church or they saw an Easter service on Zoom.

This Easter, should you go to an Easter service?

Coming to an Easter service this Sunday is more than just your COVID-19 risk or no-risk assessment. What is God’s will? What is God’s best for you and your family? As a Christian, what should you do?

Here are 7 things you should know about coming to church on Easter...

Churches across the U.S. won a victory to have indoor services.

Based on the protection of religious liberty guaranteed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a church cannot be forced into lockdown or outside services only…something that is happening in about 20 states.

It’s not a complete victory.

But it’s getting closer.

Let me explain. Here are 7 things every Christian should know...

Several years ago, my son Cory was shot six times point blank with hollow-point bullets by three gang bangers.

The two who were with the shooter were let go immediately.

The shooter has been in jail and is now about ready to appear before the court.

The judicial system has been a mess.

The new Los Angeles D.A. Stuart House and his lawless policies have been a hindrance.

But the court case is finally being resolved.

My wife and I will tell you Cory has been a walking miracle...

5. And Finally...Watch this Special Video called "He's Still Risen"

Here is a must watch video: "He's Still Risen". You'll want to share this one. It's 1 1/2 minutes.
Click HERE to watch.
That's all for this Special Reality Alert Update. Thank you for your commitment! Stay tuned for the next issue of Reality Alert, coming soon.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)

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Reality Alert | 2817 West End AvenueSuite 126, #488Nashville, TN 37203

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