Wednesday, March 3, 2021


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We can all find someone to blame. 

We can blame prophets. 

We can blame doubters. 

But as long as we are blaming, we are unavailable to take our nation back. 

We must shake off all distraction and division. 

God wants to give us our nation back.

The enemy has invaded. 

This is not the time to turn on each other! 

Look to God again. 

Listen to the stirring of the Holy Spirit.

The strategies and tactics for regaining America are being released from heaven to a special core who will shake off the battle fatigue of Satan.

I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America.

Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.” 

That is what I do spiritually. 

Can I get you away from the news for a moment? 

Can I get you to understand the secret for getting back on the attack—regardless of who you are?

Before I walk into that tent, I see those people already healed. 

I see the drug addicts already delivered. 

I have already won the war, alone with God. 

That is why everyone that knows me knows that they have to jealously guard my afternoon, because I cannot be with anyone but Christ. 

And Christ has to defeat me. 

And if He defeats me, and my flesh, then He will defeat the powers of darkness.

Besides hope, we also need fire. 

And fire will burn out indecision. 

It will burn out confusion. 

It will allow you to put all the controversy about ‘who failed’ and ‘who did what’ on the shelf, and then resume the urgent act of praying, “Lord, the nation is in serious trouble. 

You called me, You trained me, You raised me up for a specific purpose, and I cannot be distracted by all that.”

One important thing that everyone can take away from what I do to get ready for a tent crusade, is that I don’t let the outward vision be what I see. 

Can you imagine standing in front of a tent full of wheelchairs and people on crutches, and some of the most absolutely suffering humanity you have ever seen? 

I don’t see them that way. 

I cannot walk in there with my own eyes.

And likewise, you: you can’t go to your job, you can’t turn on your TV, you can’t do anything!

And that’s why I have a phrase that I live by, “The end times are not happening to me. 

I am happening to the end times.”

And so, suddenly, God will make you the catalyst. 

A catalyst is an element that changes everything around it without itself undergoing a change.

The Gospel is the message that God is most interested in. 

I think to myself, ‘Here is what God told me to tell America.’ 

Because, once you know that what you are saying is what God told you to tell America, you have the right to believe that the dead will be raised, the addict will be delivered, the churches will be unified, and you become unstoppable!

The pulpit I yearn for, for every one of my brothers and sisters right now, is that belief: 

‘I have the fire. 

I have the message that God gave me for America!” 

And nothing will be able to stop you.

Here is the point I want to make. 

Dorcas was dead. 

And sometimes we need faith to come at us from a completely new direction. 

Dorcas was dead, and the people around her dead body said, “This is not right! This is not right!

And they found out that Peter, the great Apostle, was in Joppa. 

They didn’t bring him there for a wake. 

They didn’t bring him over there to reminisce about Dorcas’ life. 

They literally said, “Bring him here, to raise her from the dead.” 

That is a level of submission to the Spirit and power in the Book of Acts that we can’t hardly relate to.

But it’s about right and wrong. 

Abraham Lincoln said, “right makes might.”

Here is what God is telling us: we are not supposed to let Biden teach our children. 

We are not supposed to let Kamala Harris dominate our lives. 

That isn’t America!

I can no more imagine an atheistic-America than I can imagine an atheistic-Israel. 

America is also a land with covenants. 

Wells. Deep spiritual history. 

And, folks, God is rolling up His sleeves. 

He is fiercely in love with what America was. 

A group of people that crossed an ocean on pieces of wood that you and I wouldn’t dare imagine stepping on, in order to have freedom to worship Christ. 

And they carved a nation out of the wilderness, and that spirit has got to get back in us!

God is with us. God is on us. 

I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but God’s going to give us a plan. 

God’s going to give us the money. 

God’s going to give us the gifts and the power and the influence and the open door. 

And no atheist spirit, no perverted spirit, can stand before the Body of Christ, when She shakes Herself from Her division and Her confusion, and Her lack of memory.

The second weapon David used on the giant was the sling.

 The first weapon was his memory of what God had done in the past. 

He looked at Saul, and said, “You want to know why that nine-and-a-half-foot tall man is going to die? 

It is because your servant killed a lion and a bear.”

The Bible says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”

Church! We have been here before, and we are going to win again by the power of God. 

God just needs to turn on the fire, and stir that fire again in our souls!

P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America.  We have opened the vault and put together a treasury of the highlights of 50 years of ministry. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and, the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now:

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Here are just some of the treasures you will find in this flash drive:

-4 Bestselling books: Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Edgewise, and I am the Christian the Devil warned you about. The books on this flash drive are all out of print.

-Witness 14,000 people the world famous Cow Palace in San Francisco where nearly 2,000 came forward to receive Christ.

-Witness 30,000 people in Los Angeles at the World Convention of Victory Outreach.

-Plus more videos.

Handpicked audio sermons:

This includes the classic message The Orphan Heart preached to 18,000 in the World Trade Center in Johannesburg South Africa. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer.  Order now:

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