Thursday, March 4, 2021



Angels on the Highway

HL Ford

The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121:8 KJV

My travel mishaps reveal the truth of Psalm 121. 
Once while driving my two girls home from school in Flower Mound, a suburb of Dallas, my Toyota Celica blew a tire. 
Six lanes of heavy traffic whizzed by. 
I had never changed a tire. 
When I opened the hatch, I found no Spare. 
This was the 1980’s. 
We had no cell phones. 
I said, “Girls, we’ll have to pray God sends an angel.”

At that moment, a commercial truck pulled over. The stocky, sandy-haired driver in short pants walked straight to my car, opened a panel that hid the spare, and changed the tire. 
I remember thinking, do angels have hairy legs? 
I offered him a five-dollar bill, which he refused. 
I don’t recall that he said anything at all. 
He just walked back to his truck and was gone.

Another blow-out on a lonely stretch of Hwy 2 in rural Oklahoma during a triple-digit heat wave left me stranded with my daughter, her son and baby girl. 
How long can the air conditioning keep up with this heat? 
Help, Lord! At that moment, a deputy arrived. 
He knew of a garage ahead. 
The owner happened to have just one tire to fit my car. 
He drove to our location, told us to stay inside with air on, and changed the tire.

Recently, when my Acura’s panel lit up with a warning, “PARK,” I stopped on a dark street in Talihina, Oklahoma, unaware it was a garage. The mechanic diagnosed the problem. 
I needed new brakes. 
I happened to stop at a place that does brake jobs at the moment I needed them.

And there’s the time my car ran on empty . . .

Father, thank you for Psalm 121 and for keeping your word. 
Help me to remember how you have always been there for me in the past.

H L Ford is an author and speaker. Find her newest book and contact her HERE. 

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