Wednesday, February 24, 2021



       Swift claimed it was satire, but now it's REALITY... Clumsily and disgustingly disguised as a measure to extend civil rights protections to sexual orientation, legislation that is intentionally designed to CRIMINALIZE CHRISTIANITY is presently making its way through Congress!

       It is deceptively called the Equality Act. It WILL pass in Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives and if we do not stop it in the Senate, Joe Biden WILL sign it and make it the law of the land.

       Don't allow yourself to be deceived. The REAL goal of this legislation was prophetically and ironically stated by Swift years ago. Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and religious-based organizations and schools will be FORCED, under penalty of law, to either affirm anti-Scriptural government-approved and politically correct dogma... OR THEY WILL BE SHUT DOWN AND SILENCED.

Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate. That's 100 individual and unique Blast Faxes.

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Let's Be Real...

       Let's be real, if it were really the intention of the radical left to simply provide civil rights protections to another class of people, then the so-called Equality Act would have been written to do ONLY that and NOTHING MORE, and many people of faith would have probably supported it.

       We're always amazed at how politicians can get away with telling people that proposed legislation is designed to do one thing when it is, in fact, designed to do another thing altogether.

       And so it goes with the so-called Equality Act. Do not be fooled, civil rights is not the real goal behind this vile legislation. The radical left was looking at a MUCH BIGGER PICTURE when this evil legislation was crafted.

       The so-called Equality Act is a ploy to criminalize every belief people hold that is not compatible with the radical left's politically correct and socialist agenda.

       You see, the radical left has always believed that if socialism is to succeed, then faith — which stands as a bulwark against tyranny — must be eradicated... just as it was in the old Soviet Union and just about every other country that embraced the doctrines of the radical left.

       Make no mistake, it's in the left's playbook and YOU ARE THE ENEMY. If you believe in God and the inerrancy of Holy Scripture, YOU WILL BE DEEMED A CRIMINAL! If you believe in the 1st Amendment and the vision our founding fathers left us, YOU WILL BE DEEMED A CRIMINAL!

       And ironically, once you're out of the way, those you are being told are the beneficiaries of this legislation may find targets placed on their backs.

       Nancy Pelosi is moving fast. By the time you read this urgent appeal, the so-called Equality Act may have already passed in the House of Representatives (it's slated to be brought up at any moment) and there are Republicans in the Senate who will be bullied into supporting it IF THEY DON'T HEAR FROM YOU. We MUST stop it in the Senate and we must stop it now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate. That's 100 individual and unique Blast Faxes.

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Do Not Be Deceived. Christianity Will Be Criminalized.

       Columist Brad Polumbo, a renowned journalist who also happens to be gay, put the ramifications of the so-called Equality Act into plain English:

       "[The] Equality Act could potentially see houses of worship deemed 'public accommodations' and subjected to anti-discrimination law. It would also declare any hospital or establishment providing medical services a 'public accommodation,' which would include religious organizations and hospitals."

       Polumbo goes on to say:

       "The bill purports to protect LGBT Americans like me by prohibiting discrimination 'based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit and the jury system.' On the surface, this sounds unobjectionable — after all, no one deserves to face discrimination. Yet the bill defined 'public accommodations' so loosely and called for regulations so sweeping that it would crush religious freedom and radically reshape American society."

       Polumbo gets it. The so-called Equality Act is NOT designed to protect him. Rather, the left is attempting to USE people like him... and he is among the few who has the wherewithal to realize it.

       The devil is in the details.

       The so-called Equality Act actually REDEFINES Section 201 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include any "establishment that provides exhibition, entertainment, recreation, exercise, amusement, public gathering, or public display" as covered under the law.

       That means, it covers everybody. The radical left has no one fooled on that score.

       And then, the so-called Equality Act ERADICATES The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and strikes a death blow to the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution.

       It specifically states:

       "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.) shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title."

       In plain language, sincerely held religious convictions mean squat. RFRA will be revoked. The government will be able to force anyone to violate sincerely-held religious beliefs in the name of the greater good... or else!

       If you refuse to comply, you will be in violation of the law and subject to penalty of the law and that begs an even greater question: If the freedom of worship, which is enshrined in the 1st Amendment, can be effectively eradicated on a whim as a THOUGHT CRIME, then what freedoms will the government choose to eradicate next?

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You Acceptance Was Never Enough!

       And it will never be enough...

       As far as the radical left is concerned, your acceptance was never enough. Your silence was never enough. Having the United States Supreme Court decree, from upon high, that two men can legally marry was not enough... shutting down businesses for refusing to bow down to a radical agenda was not enough... allowing grown men to share public restrooms with your wife and daughter was not enough...

       And yes, shutting down your church will not be enough.

       It's becoming increasingly difficult to be a civil libertarian or a person of faith in today's world, because Caesar has put faith in the crosshairs.

       - Can you imagine living in a country where people who cheat on their spouses could walk into your church and demand that your pastor promote adultery, or risk having the government shut your church down?

       - Can you imagine living in a country where an abortionist could come into your church and demand that your pastor take up an offering for his abortion clinic or promote a pro-abortion ministry in the church, or risk having your church shut-down?

       - Can you imagine living in a country where any person could come into your church and demand that the congregation be forced to change Scripture and promote any activity that is considered sinful, or risk having the government shut your church down?

       - Can you imagine living in a country where two men could walk into your church and demand that the pastor marry them, or risk having the government shut down the church?

       Of course not! And yet, that is EXACTLY what the so-called Equality Act is DESIGNED TO DO!

       And if the Church is no longer protected, do you truly believe that the civil liberties of anyone else will remain secure!

Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate. That's 100 individual and unique Blast Faxes.

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What The Left Claimed Was 'Just Satire' Is Becoming Reality.

       Here's some more of what Swift said in his manifesto:
       When Swift's manifesto was published in the Congressional Record some years ago, Swift and others cried foul! 'It's just satire,' they screamed.

       But even if you give Swift the benefit of the doubt, what was allegedly satire back then is now political reality.

       Around the same time that Swift published his manifesto, Steven Warren with ACTUP issued his own clarion call which is recounted below by Lloyd Marcus, who also called the so-called Equality Act "the biggest threat to religious freedom in U.S. History."

       "Henceforth, homosexuality will be spoken of in your churches and synagogues as an 'honorable estate.' ... You will be expected to offer ceremonies that bless our sexual arrangements... and you will go out of your way to make certain that homosexual youths are allowed to date, attend religious functions together, openly display affection, and enjoy each others [sic] sexuality without embarrassment or guilt."

       "Finally, we will in all likelihood, want to expunge a number of passages from your Scriptures and rewrite others... If all these things do not come to pass quickly, we will subject Orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and vilification in recent memory."

       But again we must point out that the passage of the so-called Equality Act begs a further question; if the federal government can effectively eradicate the 1st Amendment and force you to actively affirm things that go against deeply-held religious beliefs, what else will the government, in short order, compel you to do?

       The answer? ... everything is on the chopping block.

       Don't let evil people use your love of civil liberties to deceive you into opening the door to tyranny... Don't let evil people abuse your compassion toward others to deceive you into opening the door to tyranny... And most importantly, don't let evil people who simply hate people of faith deceive you into opening the door to tyranny...

       The so-called Equality Act must be stopped in the United States Senate. And it must be stopped now!

Use the hyperlink below to send your Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate. That's 100 individual and unique Blast Faxes.

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Chris Carmouche

P.S. Don't be deceived. the so-called Equality Act is NOT an attempt to extend civil rights protection. It's purpose is to CRIMINALIZE Christianity and the sincerely-held beliefs of all people of faith. It must die.

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