Thursday, February 25, 2021



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Tonight on FB Live: Canceled by Lifetime

Dear Friend,

Every day there seems to be another story on cancel culture and the loss of First Amendment freedoms. The latest involves Amazon quietly ending sales of books it labels “‘hate speech.” But the mega-retailer’s policy goes beyond “hate speech” and includes “other material we deem inappropriate or offensive."

Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer and one of the three biggest companies on the planet, is determining what it will allow you to read. Do you see the problem? Of course, a burning question is, “Who is determining what constitutes ‘hate speech’ or material that is ‘inappropriate or offensive’ at Amazon?”

I invite you to join John Rabe and me as we look at the new book burners on Why Do You Believe That? at 7 pm ET. As always, our plumb line will be the Word of God and the One who is Truth incarnate, Jesus Christ.

For those of you who don’t have a Facebook account, you can still join us. Simply click on the link provided for the D. James Kennedy Ministries Facebook page at 7 pm or after.

If you have questions about tonight’s FB Live topic, we’d love to answer them. If you have a FB page, you can get them in now via comments on our Facebook page or during the live discussion.

Invite your friends to join the discussion at 7 pm! And please pray for us as we continue to seek new airtime opportunities for our Truths That Transform television program. Your financial support as we investigate other networks and airtime will be a great encouragement. Click here to give a secure donation now. Thank you!   



Frank Wright, PH.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries

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