Wednesday, February 24, 2021



Candace Owens: I Warned You a Year Ago Dems Were Using COVID to Seize ‘Totalitarian Control’

 By Craig Bannister | February 24, 2021 | 11:47am EST

Candace Owens
(Getty Images/Zach Gibson)

“I either had a crystal ball or this was all common sense,” conservative commentator and BLEXIT Leader Candace Owens says, recalling how she’s spent the last year warning about how Democrats are using the coronavirus to justify robbing Americans of their freedoms.

On Tuesday, Owens took to Twitter to remind readers that “A year ago, common sense people like me were called ‘conspiracy theorists’ when we warned” about Democrats’ false claims and ulterior motives:

  • “It was never going to be 2 weeks to flatten the curve,”
  • “The vaccine was not going to give you your freedoms back,” and
  • “The rich were transferring unlimited wealth and power to themselves.”

In her next post, Owens recalled her predictions of how Democrats would use the coronavirus for political benefit, as well as to promise Americans they would be able to “return to normal” if they just submit to being tracked by a surveillance state:

“I also warned (a year ago) they’d begin pushing for vaccine passports for us to “return to normal” (a tread toward a surveillance state) and that infection rates would magically plummet immediately after the election.

“I either had a crystal ball or this was all common sense.”

Their quest for “totalitarian control” is aided by the liberal media, which attacks anyone, like Republican Florida Governor Ron Desantis, who demonstrates that Americans can be both free and safe, Owens tweeted:

“The reason our media (which is propaganda for the elites) aggressively attacks Ron Desantis’ winning approach to Covid-19 is because it becomes harder to convince the rest of the country that totalitarian control is necessary for 'safety' if Florida remains free and happy.”

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