Saturday, January 30, 2021



Women praying
Suffering Is Not the Whole Story
As recently as 25 years ago, many parts of India were essentially unreached by the gospel.
Since then, VOM has responded to thousands of anti-Christian persecution incidents, which have become more frequent, widespread and severe as the gospel has spread throughout the country.

But Christian suffering is not the whole story! The persecution that our Indian Christian brothers and sisters are facing is the enemy’s reaction to his great failure — a tremendous move of God in which hundreds of thousands of Hindus have come to Christ in India’s most hostile areas.
One such region is northern India, which is home to the Ganges River. Millions of Hindus travel there each year in the belief that washing in the river will cleanse them from their sins.
Yet independent studies show that more than 300,000 Hindus in northern India have turned to Christ in recent years.

This mighty work of God throughout India has caused a corresponding growth in opposition to Christian faith and witness.
Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Hindu nationalist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has seen a 20 percent increase in membership.
The political-religious ideology of Hindu nationalism is institutionalizing hostility toward Christians and considers them enemies of the state. Former RSS leader M. S. Golwakar explained it this way: “So long as the Christians here indulge in such activities and consider themselves as agents of the international movement for the spread of Christianity, and refuse to offer their first loyalty to the land of their birth and behave as true children of the heritage and culture of their ancestors, they will remain here as hostiles and will have to be treated as such.”

While Hindu nationalists seek to eradicate all Christian witness from India, the gospel cannot be silenced or stopped.
Our Christian brothers and sisters in India continue to live boldly for Christ, joyfully paying any price for the sake of the gospel.

Remember Them in Prayer
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