Thursday, January 28, 2021


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Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is now a private citizen! 

Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public life forever. 

We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt is a farce, doomed to go down in flames.

Even so, there is a fight for you and me to participate in. 

Donald Trump not only fought for us, he taught us how to fight.

When they told him that moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem was something many Presidents had promised, Trump delivered. 

They told him if he moved our embassy it would destroy relations in the Middle East. 

He fought them and won. He called their bluff and proved that his was a great victory by putting amazing peace treaties in place, signed by several Arab nations and Israel.

When Brett Kavanaugh was brutally attacked, Donald Trump fought and drove back the massive threat against Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. 

Again, he ignored the threats from the Left and the doubters in his own party.

When every pulpit in America was under siege from the hideous Johnson Amendment, Trump went to bat, again, to restore freedom of speech to our pastors. 

Once again, he was threatened and was told it would be impossible, but he fought for us, and that Amendment was severely limited.

Many believers are confused about how they should be fighting for Donald Trump at this moment. 

So, how do we fight for him?

First, get your facts straight. 

If you are convinced Trump has been wronged, you will be convincing to others. 

Settle the question concerning what happened in this election in your heart. 

Revisit the promises of God and hold fast to them in FAITH!

 Lovingly, but firmly, tell those you love and fellow believers why you stand with Donald Trump.

There are simply too many of us for their ‘cancel culture’ to stop us. 

Consider Mike Lindell, of My Pillow, who has lost so much and is being attacked from all directions because of his unflinching stand with President Trump. 

He refuses to back down and is paying a dear price for his stand. 

You and I have a lot less to lose for continuing our support of Trump.

Yes, there are haters, and we may be maligned, but Trump was also maligned for us.  

We may be threatened, but he was threatened each and every day for standing with the church.

Paul said he had, “fought the good fight.” 

He fought for righteousness and the kingdom of God. 

We, too, are called to fight for righteousness and against evil.

David Marcus said it best, writing for the Federalist:

“Trump invited the American people to fight back. 

We can argue over whether he was a carnival clown, it was wildly successful as the examples above demonstrate. 

There is no going back. 

Biden’s cavalcade of leftist wish list executive orders shows exactly where we are. 

Democrats don’t desire a détente, they desire domination. 

Over you, over your kids, over your community.

“Trump spoke for me and my ideas and the ideas of millions of Americans.

“Conservatives aren’t supposed to fight. 

We are supposed to go gently into that dark night of leftist hegemony…but we will not. 

We will keep up Trump’s fight.

“When William F. Buckley annunciated movement conservatism, he said things like “Nominate the most electable conservative” and “Stand athwart history yelling stop!” 

These were incredibly defensive positions. 

In retrospect, maybe making George Will’s bow tie the avatar for a conservatism that ceded cultural ground at every turn was a mistake.

“Unlike Buckley, Trump appeals to working-class and minority voters, and makes an effort to earn their votes. 

Unlike Buckley, Trump does not simply assume we are losing and trying to slow it down. 

He wants to win. And, yeah, he lost. He fought, but he lost.

“Now it is our fight. 

Now it is our responsibility to save the country. Who is with me?”

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