Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
My latest in PJ Media: You may have thought the public discourse couldn’t get any more absurd. Think again. Apparently oblivious to the titanic dimensions of the irony, the publisher Little, Brown just canceled a new book, Welcome to the Woke Trials: How #Identity Killed Progressive Politics by British journalist Julie Burchill because of an “Islamophobic” […]
Was this man vetted before he entered France? Was any effort made to determine his views and perspectives? Why, when he became known for acts of violence, was not action taken to try to prevent him from committing more? “Bordeaux: knife attack in the Capuchins district,” translated from “Bordeaux : agression au couteau dans le […]
Four years ago, I wrote an article entitled “The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness,” detailing some of the instances in which jihad attackers were classified as mentally ill, with authorities denying that the attack was jihad at all. I could update that article now, but with all the new examples of this it would be […]
He is a “moderate,” but he knows that female genital mutilation (FGM) is justified in Islamic law. “It is a religious thing. Do you want to change religion?” said one Egyptian in response to a campaign to eradicate female genital mutilation. “You only listen to what the West is saying.” The establishment media ignores the […]
Yes, she just lost her temper. Nothing to be concerned about, right? But it is noteworthy that this woman did not think it incongruous to mention the Qur’an in connection with issuing a death threat. Where did she get this idea? “Yvelines. A mother explodes with anger in the pediatric emergency room in Poissy,” translated […]
“Almost 70% of the residents are Afghan nationals.” Will there be any attempt to vet the migrants these 93 mayors want so badly? Will there be any attempt to assimilate them into Norwegian culture? Don’t be silly, you greasy Islamophobe. “Nearly 100 mayors pressure Norwegian government to take in more refugees from Moria camp in […]
The Boris Johnson government has proven to be a boon for illegal Muslim migrants who are swarming across the English Channel and are being given VIP treatment. They’re coming from Calais, violently: British lorry drivers called for Army protection after being targeted by migrants in Calais…. Thousands of migrants tried to board UK-bound vehicles crawling […]
As the West continues to be duped by Muslim Brotherhood-linked lobbies, pushing the “Islamophobia” subterfuge which serves as a cover to advance the jihad, Iran continues to expand its operations worldwide via its proxies, and is eager for a Biden administration to further facilitate its ambitions. Some background about Al-Mustafa International University: In February 1979 […]
A Reuters report about the decrease in Gaza’s Christian population – it was 5,000 in 2007, and is now down to 1,000 – lays much of the blame on Israel. No mention is made of Muslim discrimination, persecution, and murder of Gazan Christians. A brief previous Jihad Watch report is here, and the story is […]
Islamic antisemitism has been on the rise in France. The EU migrant crisis has seen no-go zones spring up across the country and elsewhere, as the numbers of illegal Muslim migrants from North Africa soared into the hundreds of thousands. With no foresight by authorities, the consequences have been disastrous for peaceful citizens. Last June, […]
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