Friday, October 30, 2020



The Huey Report Newsletter that you requested
October 30, 2020
Dear Friend,

Welcome to our newsletter, where you'll discover critical news important to Christians and our culture that you won't find anywhere else.

Make sure you vote using the following guidelines...

  • Fill out your ballot by using our voter guide. [Click HERE]
  • Take your ballot to a polling place if you can do so.
  • If you do vote using a vote-by-mail ballot, make sure you use black ink, use the provided envelope, seal it, and then sign with your signature. And finally, date the envelope with the date you mail the ballot (not your birthday).
  • Don’t allow someone else to mail in your ballot. Do it yourself.
  • You can deliver it by hand to the post office or to the election polling place. The election polling place is the best option...

In troubled cities across America, Sean Feucht has brought worship, the gospel and hope to broken people.

But Facebook just took down his Facebook page and his videos … 

I’m excited as I see black pastors rejecting Republican/Democrat Party history and tradition….

The postal union is one of the most radical, pro-socialist unions in America.

In 2016, they endorsed Bernie Sanders.

In 2020, they endorsed Bernie Sanders.

Then they endorsed Joe Biden.

The post office has had a history of political activism. In fact, it is one of the most active political arms supporting the Democrat Party.

The postal union mobilizes and activates its employees to volunteer, to walk precincts, to make phone calls, and to distribute literature.
And they also do some dirty tricks.

Here are 6 dirty tricks you should know about...

Don’t miss these two powerful interviews I just did...

Amy: Finally, thanks to all who have been praying about Amy Coney Barrett and her nomination. She is now a Supreme Court justice.

This is President Trump’s #1 accomplishment. He transformed the Supreme Court from a judicial activist court to a strict constructionist court for the next 40 years.

This will protect our rights for 20 – 30 years … unless the Democrats pack the court as they are talking about.

That's it for this issue of Reality Alert! Stay tuned for our next issue when we look at more local and national news affecting you and your family.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)
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Reality Alert | 1313 4th Avenue NorthNashville, TN 37208

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