Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
My latest in PJ Media: Is the ostentatiously devout Catholic Joe Biden, who wore a Rosary (or was it wire?) on his wrist while debating Donald Trump, really a bad Catholic? Prolife Catholics have been saying so for years, and now a leading bishop has spoken up on their side. The Catholic News Agency reported […]
The UN has long proven to be an enemy of Western interests, including those of Israel, as it advances the jihadist cause of the Palestinian territories. It has also been pushing the UN Migration Pact, which is an infringement on the sovereignty of Western nations. So this latest news should come as no surprise. The […]
The report found “multiple links between a range of bodies that could be traced back to common front organisations” which are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and “are concerned with Palestine. This cluster includes the Muslim Association of Britain.” Meanwhile, the Muslim Council of Britain itself has been busy urging investigations into the Conservative Party […]
Hizballah does not operate in Lebanon alone. Following the Beirut explosion in August, the Israel Law Center (Shurat HaDin) discussed the activities of Hizballah in various Western locations HERE. “Netanyahu Reveals ‘Secret Hezbollah Missile Depot’ in Beirut Residential Area,” Haaretz, September 29, 2020: Hezbollah is storing missiles in a secret depot at a residential neighborhood […]
This is a reflection of just how woefully and willfully ignorant British intelligence and law enforcement officials, and those officials all over the West, remain about the threat of jihad terror, and the consequences of their refusal to come to grips with its motivating ideology. MI5 likely let Salman Abedi go multiple times because politically […]
As the Pope celebrates “the World Day of Migrants and Refugees,” he lumps all migrants together, demonstrating the unity of his perspective with that of his fellow globalists and the same determination they display to advance the cause of open borders. He has been completely ignoring the reality of economic migrants and of jihadis infiltrating […]
Erdogan’s aspirations to restore the caliphate grow plainer by the day, but Western officials continue to ignore them. “‘Jerusalem is our city,’ Turkey’s Erdogan declares,” by Raphael Ahren, Times of Israel, October 1, 2020: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday implied that Jerusalem belongs to Turkey, referring to the Ottoman Empire’s control over the […]
Nerdeen Kiswani is a student at CUNY Law School who, upon seeing a young man wearing a sweatshirt with the logo of the IDF, told him she hated it and was going to set it on fire — and as she spoke, she held her flaming lighter out toward him. Take a look, from 0:12 […]
Here is a rare and refreshing instance in which lawyerly attempts to aid a jihadi in escaping the consequences of his actions backfires, and results in justice being more, not less, properly served. It was bad enough that Wright’s fellow would-be jihad murderer, Nicholas Rovinski, was recently granted a “compassionate release.” As always, there is […]
Reality: Muhammad said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4:52.220). The Qur’an says: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies…” (8:60) “When your Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I […]
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