Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
My latest at PJ Media: One of the most revealing moments of last night’s debate was one that most people probably missed. Buzzfeed’s Hamed Aleaziz was overjoyed, tweeting that it was “a historic moment in America.” Over at Slate, Aymenn Ismail added that “as terrible as this debate night was, at least a few of us […]
The credibility of the New York Times has for quite some time now been a matter of long-past history and propaganda myth. This is another nail in the Times’ coffin. You want news of jihad activity? You can’t trust the Times. You have to come to Jihad Watch. “Subject of NY Times podcast ‘Caliphate’ arrested […]
This boy is a convert to Islam. Prosecutor Anne Whyte QC says “he had plainly absorbed this offensive and hateful type of message from somewhere… but it is quite possible that we will never know from precisely where.” Why won’t we? Is it because it would be impossible to find out what turned him in […]
The National Council is the lower house of the Austrian parliament. The third president of the National Council is the head of the nation’s third-largest party. If Norbert Hofer had said that the Bible was more dangerous than coronavirus, he would be hailed as courageous and heroic by the very people who want to prosecute […]
As expected. On September 19, Jihad Watch reported that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen “proposed abolishing current European Union asylum rules,” which state that “asylum seekers must apply for asylum in the first European Union member state they enter.” This is known as the Dublin agreement. Von der Leyon proposed replacing it with […]
Here we go again. This conflict is ongoing. Police and migrants have been clashing in the Calais “Jungle” for some time; police have suffered beatings and serious injuries. Little is known about these illegals. What is known is that jihadists have for quite some time infiltrated the refugee streams. As far back as 2015, not […]
Khan has been pushing aggressively at the UN to advance his agenda regarding the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir, and to rally support for the “Islamophobia” subterfuge. Now, Imran Khan has “assailed” the Indian government for what he calls cementing “control of Muslim-majority Kashmir,” while “calling India a state sponsor of hatred and prejudice […]
Craig Considine is a lecturer in sociology at Rice University who continues to call himself a Christian, though for years he has been a Defender of the Faith – that faith being Islam. For Considine, Islam is a religion of “love.” He doesn’t bother to try to engage with, or explain away, such Qur’anic verses […]
Khan disingenuously blames India, and specifically its entertainment industry, for the rise in rapes in Pakistan, but there is a cause that is closer to hand that he ignores. The man whom Khan invokes as his role model, the Islamic prophet Muhammad, consummated his marriage with (i.e., raped) Aisha when she was nine, and because […]
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