Thursday, October 1, 2020



Democrats' only path to victory: Violence, smears and cheating

Exclusive: Sean Harshey predicts Barrett process will be a political version of rioting and looting


Although Americans have been shocked by the violence and chaos in Democrat-run cities across the country this summer, leftist protests turning violent has become routine. 

What changed over the past few months is local officials' stunning refusal to stop the anarchy destroying their communities. 

Some city and state officials even enabled and encouraged the destruction by refusing to arrest or prosecute criminals and refusing any help to control the violence. 

Democrats are stuck in a spiral of chaos. 

These are their voters destroying their cities. 

Their constituency is only acting on the rhetoric of hate and fear liberal politicians have used to stoke panic and motivate their voters to keep electing them. 

But they have lost control of the monster they created.

Nearly two years ago, I wrote here at WND of the ever-shrinking range of responses available to Democrats. 

Their agenda has not included any real policy proposals or ideas for a better America in a long time. 

Obama's main policy proposal in 2008 was socialized medicine. 

When Obamacare was passed in 2010, Democrats shifted to a full-time strategy of identity politics, simply calling their opponents and their supporters "racist" or "sexist." 

In 2018 their main political message was "get Trump," and nothing has changed except that their name-calling has lost its shock value. Democrats have called so many Americans such vile names so many times it appears they have run out of new slurs to motivate their Trump-hating base. 

So, they have upped the ante.

Street violence and property destruction in Democrat-controlled cities is now such a common occurrence that it frequently is not even covered by major media. 

Americans have grown accustomed to seeing video of rioters blocking highways or attacking motorists. 

Graffiti, smashed windows and burned cars are now a feature of many large cities. 

Boarded-up businesses and looted stores have replaced civilization in many areas. 

Statues of every conceivable kind have been torn down on campuses and other public areas, leaving empty, vandalized pedestals or makeshift memorials put up by rioters.

President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is likely to face unprecedented viciousness from Senate Democrats in her upcoming hearing, which is a remarkable thing to imagine considering the shameful treatment of Judge Kavanaugh and his family during his 2018 confirmation hearings. 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has already declared Senate Democrats are unified in opposing Judge Barrett's confirmation, which raises the question, why, then, are hearings necessary at all? 

California Gov. Gavin Newsom's Chief of Staff Ann O'Leary publicly pledged to fly to Washington, D.C. and lay her body on the floor of the U.S. Senate to stop Judge Barrett's confirmation. 

Several left-wing groups are also organizing protests at courthouses across America to bring physical harassment over the vacancy to as many people as possible.

The reason for this escalation of violence, intimidation and hateful, threatening rhetoric is because the left has no other options.

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When Democrats gained seats and won control of the House of Representatives in 2018, they focused all their efforts on impeaching President Trump. 

From the beginning of the 116th Congress in January 2019 until their efforts collapsed into a predictable acquittal earlier this year, Democrats' priority was pushing impeachment. 

They now have nothing to show for their two years controlling the House; their presidential candidate is confused, lethargic and somehow more absent from the campaign trail than Clinton in 2016; and polls showing the wild popularity of Biden and Democrats does not match the dramatic enthusiasm gap evident at candidates' campaign rallies, boat parades and car parades. 

Despite claims by Nancy Pelosi and others, Democrats have no procedural way of stopping Judge Barrett's confirmation, thanks to previous Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's "nuclear option" of lowering the required number of votes from 60 to a simple majority. Democrats created the situation in which they now find themselves.

The left is in a conundrum. 

They cannot allow Judge Barrett to sail through confirmation without expressing the rage of their base in order to generate outrage and motivation among their voters. 

On the other hand, they are powerless to actually stop it, and unhinged treatment of another Supreme Court nominee just days from the election has the potential to drive away ordinary voters or generate even more enthusiasm among Trump voters. 

Judge Barrett's confirmation has the potential to be the most outrageous in Senate history, a political version of the rioting and looting that has taken place since May. 

Sadly, Democrat-induced chaos is not only poisoning the streets and Capitol Hill, but the general election as well. 

With last-minute changes to mail-in voting, extended deadlines past Election Daymisprinted ballotsballots thrown awayballot-harvesting schemes and proposals banning police from polling sites, effectively allowing Antifa to harass voters, the left has no viable option to win the general election except through chaos, violence and cheating.

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