Friday, September 4, 2020


Jonathan Cahn (Charisma Media archives)
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a multiple New York Times' bestselling author, believes that, despite its current state, there is still hope for America.
But if America is going to return to being the nation he believes God ordained it to be, Cahn says people must come to repentance, and they must do it soon.
"If we want to see revival in America, we have to be walking and living in revival now," Cahn, author of the bestselling The Harbinger and the just-released The Harbinger II: The Return, told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. 
"My belief is that the shakings are not finished. 
I believe that there are big things coming.
"At the same time, and people have always asked me this since The Harbinger, do you believe that there is going to be judgment, calamity or revival? 
And I have said that there can be both," Cahn said. 
"Often, revival can come through shaking. 
I only came to the Lord because I was hit by a train. 
That was a shaking for me, and so it will be with nations. 
I believe it can be both and I believe for those who will stand—those who will take this seriously and come before God and see His face and pray and repent—whatever is in your life that shouldn't be there get rid of it now.
"Whatever it could be in your life that you haven't risen in God's calling, get to it now, today. 
Those who will stand will shine like lights in the darkness. 
We know certain things have to happen, but we also know there is an end-times revival, a harvest, a pouring out of the Spirit. 
I believe that can happen. 
We can see that in our time," Cahn added.
"But we have to be the candles in the night. 
People have said, 'I wish I could live in biblical times.'
Well, congratulations, because you are," Cahn said. 
"These are the days of Jeremiah. 
He saw culture turn away from God, but he stood. 
These are the days of Ezekiel; these are the days of Paul when the culture was anti-Christian. 
But the lights of God shine brightest in the darkness. 
We've got to be ready because this could be the greatest hour if we rise as never before."
For more of Jonathan Cahn's thoughts on repentance for America, listen to the entire podcast.
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