Saturday, September 26, 2020



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Moral relativism is poison

Dear Friend,

For the next few weeks, we are investigating a man who is driving much of the agenda of the far Left in America today. His name is George Soros. Who is this mysterious billionaire, and how does his radical agenda affect America, and even your own life and future?

On this week’s Truths That Transform, we offer shocking and well-documented answers. Here is a hint: Soros gives away a billion dollars annually to promote abortion, LGBT activism, open borders, euthanasia, legalization of prostitution and drugs, judicial “reform,” gun control, defunding police, climate change, and more.

Underlying the work of George Soros, who is an avowed atheist, is a moral relativism that says there are no fixed standards of right and wrong. And in a special message from Dr. Kennedy, we show why that thinking is poison and why you and I shouldn’t be surprised at what is happening on the streets of our cities.

You can help make a difference in our nation by telling a friend about this program and inviting them to watch us on the Lifetime channel at 7:30 am ET/PT Sunday. Or if you want to catch the program on your schedule, “tune in” at our website,, our Facebook page, our YouTube channel—or just download the D. James Kennedy Ministries app and watch on the go!

Special Offer for New Faith Partners!

If you appreciate the Biblical truth on crucial concerns you receive each week, I’d like to invite you to become a Faith Partner and join our automatic giving program. Faith Partners are dedicated friends of D. James Kennedy Ministries who support the ministry monthly to proclaim Truth, share the Gospel, and defend Freedom.

And when you commit to an automatic monthly gift of $35 or more, we’ll thank you by sending you the beautiful leather-bound D. James Kennedy Topical Study Bible. You’ll receive this special Study Bible 2-4 weeks after your first Faith Partner gift has been processed. To become a Faith Partner and give a secure donation now, click here.

The clash of worldviews

As we analyze the work of the far Left, the ultimate point is not about an individual man. It’s about a clash of worldviews. The settlers and founders of America believed that God created us with inherent rights. Those truths were commonly-held and bonded us as a nation even through difficult times.

At the same time, a different worldview began to take hold. One that has led to the anarchy we see around us. I’ll tell you why it’s no accident, but rather a necessary consequence in my Truths That Transform commentary.




Frank Wright, PH.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries


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