Today's devotional reading for: Commanded to Sing“Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” — Ephesians 5:19 Do you ever find yourself, without even realizing it, humming a praise song? Did you know that as the Holy Spirit fills you, the joy you experience will express itself in song? The Bible makes it clear that God is bound up with singing. When God created the world, the morning stars sang together for joy. The seraphim and the cherubim praise God around His throne forever, not because God has commanded them to do so, but because in Paradise their song inevitably rises like a wellspring from their hearts to their lips. Even the birds continually sing their praises to God. Do you have a song of joyfulness in your heart today? The great saints of the faith expressed their God-given joy in song. Moses wrote songs. The Bible contains a whole collection of prayers and praises written by that sweet psalmsinger of Israel, David. Jesus and the apostles sang. When they partook of the Passover, they sang a hymn. Before his conversion, St. Augustine heard Christians singing songs of praise to God, and because those praises filled his heart to overflowing, he wept for joy. Christianity is a singing religion more than any other. We have the great hymns of the Reformation, such as Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Wesley wrote hundreds of hymns, and many other Christians have given us hymnals filled with songs of praise. Other religions may have their sad and mournful chants, but only in Christ do people find joy that rises in song. Christians, therefore, should be a singing people. A gentleman of the Church recently told me, “The most exciting day of my life was one day when I was home fixing my dinner. I was just thanking God for everything. I was thanking God for the food, for the pan to cook it in, for the stove, for the hands I had to hold the pan. And I just broke forth in song.” God wants us to have that kind of overflowing joy. Do you have a favorite song that expresses your joy in Christ? Then sing it today. Sing it as you go about your business, letting your joyfulness overflow in musical praise to God. “I sing because I’m happy! I sing because I’m free! For His
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