Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Who's funding shady ballot-harvesting schemes?

Michelle Malkin shines light on Soros-funded group handing out millions in battleground states


Last week, while on a business trip in Wisconsin, I learned about an insane ballot-harvesting scheme that appears to be tied to a deep-pocketed liberal advocacy group subsidized by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and eBay former chairman Pierre Omidyar's Democracy Fund.

Conservative talk-radio host and grassroots activist Vicki McKenna blew the whistle after hearing ads played during her daily show on 1310 WIBA.

"Last week on my radio program, we played Biden campaign ads," she told me. "They were all about something called 'Democracy in the Park.' It was an advertisement about how Madison, Wisconsin, would have 200 parks hosting ballot harvesting events." The ads were punctuated by a disclosure that they were "paid for by Joe Biden for President."

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