Friday, September 4, 2020


GREG LAURIE - Friday, September 4, 2020

Surrendering Our Claim


“So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.”

—Luke 14:33

My granddaughter Allie loves to collect stuffed animals. Whenever I’m going on a trip, she’ll say, “Papa, bring me back a stuffed animal.” Awhile back I was on a trip and made a video of some stuffed animals for Allie. Then I called to ask her which one she liked.

“Papa, I’m not obsessed with stuffed animals anymore,” she said.

“Oh, really?”

“I’m just obsessed with talking with you.”
That warmed my heart. I think we all should say to God, “Lord, I’m obsessed with talking with You, walking with You, hearing from You, and knowing You.”

Disciples of Jesus must turn the title deed of their lives over to Christ. Jesus said, 
“You cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own” (Luke 14:33 NLT). 
The New King James Version says, 
“Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” 
It’s a reminder that we are actually not owners, we are stewards. Everything we have will be passed on to someone else one day.

Does that mean it’s a sin to have a car, or a house, or clothes, or some money in the bank? Of course not. This verse could be translated, 
“If you want to be My disciple, surrender your claim to everything in life.” 
It’s a recognition that God is the owner. God is in control of it. We recognize that we are just stewards over it for a period of time.

It is not wrong to have a career, but it is wrong if your career has you. It is not wrong to have possessions, but it can be wrong if your possessions have you. 
Your only real passion and obsession in life should be Christ. All these other things have their place—but not the most important place.

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Being a disciple of Jesus means turning this over to Him.

World Changers
World Changers

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Pastor Greg Laurie has written a brand-new book about heroes of faith and how their example can inspire you. The book is titled World Changers, and we’re giving it away as a thank-you gift to anyone who donates to Harvest Ministries this month.

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