Thursday, September 3, 2020


(Unsplash/Brian Jones)
College campuses have become training camps for radicals and are the source of the rioting in American cities, according to academics and college officials interviewed by CBN News.
Portland State philosophy professor Peter Boghossian says college campuses are, without question, the source of the 'woke' movement that inspires the rioters in America's cities.
"One hundred percent of it, absolutely, categorically, and unequivocally," he said. "The universities are cranking out utter madness."
College professors have been among those arrested in the rioting.
Professor Erin Thompson at the City University of New York tweeted this advice to rioters pulling down statues: "Use chain instead of rope and it'll go faster."
"I've actually been there in the midst of many of these riots. 
I've seen it up close and personal, and many of the rioters are indistinguishable from the people you see on campus," says Cabot Phillips, editor-in-chief of Campus Reform. 
"Because there have been so few consequences when they do go out onto these campuses and riot and protest, they've been able to test out what works. 
They've been able to see how they can create the most destruction, get the most outrage and then carry that out into cities around the country."
The radical movement that used to be confined to some academic departments now dominates whole campuses.
University of California, Riverside professor Reza Aslan, who has also been a CNN host, said all Trump backers are white nationalist terror supporters who must be "eradicated from society."
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