Radically Saved
Meet a man who was once an anti-American radical. He was considering an even more radical path until he had an encounter with the living God.
The Alchemy of God
Though we live in troubled times, we have every reason to be encouraged. On this Truths That Transform, discover God's promises and how they apply to you.
I Refuse to Worry
Worry and anxiety come from the same root in Latin and Anglo-Saxon. The root means “to choke or to strangle,” which is what worry does. Dr. Kennedy offers us the Biblical antidote.
A Time to Shine
We live in times that could appear to be difficult and even discouraging. But Dr. Frank Wright contends that those who name Christ as Savior can have a confident and winsome peace.
Greasing the Skids Toward Socialism
One result of the COVID-19 crisis is its severe health risk. But Dr. Jerry Newcombe warns of another risk if we're not careful.
Anarchy in America
On FB Live, Dr. Frank Wright and John Rabe discuss the anarchy in cities across America and what anarchists hope to accomplish.
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