Monday, August 3, 2020


The attached article tells us that the U.S.
Is being brought to her knees Economically
And things are going to get much worse before they get better.

This should be of no surprise to any Christian.
The U.S. is in Rebellion against God and His Word,
And there are always consequences for Sin.

Major U.S. Polices include:
-No School Prayer
-Same-Sex Marriage
-The acceptability of Homosexuality as normal human behavior
-The Indoctrination of Children into godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism

In addition we have:
-Godless Entertainment
-Drug Addiction
-Sex Trafficking
-Political Scandals

And On and On.

Actually the entire World is being brought to her knees Economically
And for the same reasons as the U.S.

We will experience a World Wide Economic Depression;
One in which not a single person will go untouched.

The only question is:
That is what we Pray for.

Without Repentance, there will be no return to Prosperity.

If the Democrats win the Presidency
Their polices will make things even Worse,
As they are a godless people,
In Rebellion against God and His Word.

This Depression may bring about the fulfillment of the Apostasy.
And the revealing of the Antichrist.
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

Christ Jesus warned us:

Because of the Increase of Wickedness
The love of Most will Grow Cold,
But he who Stands Firm to the End
Will be saved.”
(Matthew 24:12-13)

Be always on the Watch,
And Pray that you will may be able
To Escape all that is about to happen,
And that you will be able
To Stand before the Son of Man.”
(Luke 21:36)

Be on guard! Be alert!”
(Mark 13:33)

What I say to you,
I say to everyone: 'Watch!'”
(Mark 13:37)

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