Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Daily Devotional

Drawing Hope From Job's Testimony

By David Wilkerson (1931-2011)
The story of Job and his calamitous suffering is well known. 

At his deepest point of despair, Job stated, 

“He laughs at the plight of the innocent” (Job 9:23). 

In so many words, Job was saying, “It doesn’t pay to be holy or walk uprightly. 
God treats the wicked and the pure the same. 
We both suffer, so why labor to be upright?”

The example of Job’s suffering should be a great comfort to all of us. 
That may come as a surprise to some, but Job represents the latter-day believers who will undergo fierce trials in the days ahead. 
Indeed, multitudes of God-fearing Christians are going to face the same fires that Job experienced. 
And we need this suffering man’s example in order to draw hope for ourselves.

Our nation has entered a time of suffering and calamity. 
As we survey the troubles mounting all around us, looking into the future can be a frightening prospect, as all we may be able to see are more uncertainties, fears and crises. 
Like Job, our hearts cry out, “What are we going to do? 
Why is all this happening to faithful servants of God? 
Why doesn’t the Lord intervene and stop it?”

This flood of trouble has a personal entity behind it: Satan. 
The fact is, the devil was Job’s troubler, and he is still the troubler of God’s people today. 
Once again, the enemy is standing before the Lord, making great accusations against his church. 
He’s challenging God, saying, “You have no true body in this last hour. 
Just take a look at your people, God. 
They’re materialistic, self-centered, grasping for riches and the good life, preoccupied with making life better for themselves. They’re all spiritual wimps.”

It could be that the furnace of your affliction is meant to bring you into a life-changing revelation. 
This is exactly what happened with Job. In the midst of his suffering, Job made an incredible discovery: 
despite his pure knowledge of God, he didn’t truly know the Lord. 

He confessed, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I … repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6).

Look to God right now and remember that he always has everything under his control. 
He is going to harness everything Satan means for evil and turn it into your good. Encourage yourself with these words: 

“My God can do anything! He loves me and I know he has not forgotten me.”
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