Friday, August 28, 2020


14 questions for candidate Joe Biden

Exclusive: Lowell Ponte takes ex-veep to task over his 'feeble criticism of urban terrorism'

"Protesting brutality is a right and absolutely necessary," says Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
"But burning down communities is not protest. It's needless violence. 
Violence that endangers life. 
Violence that guts businesses and shutters businesses that serve the community. That's wrong."
Thus, after months of silence about widespread leftist looting, arson and killings in Democrat-run American cities such as Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City and Kenosha, Mr. Biden made a feeble criticism of urban terrorism.
Why this sudden Biden change of heart? 
CNN's Don Lemon admits "polls and focus groups" reveal that rioters are turning Americans against Biden. 
Biden now condemns violence only because Democrats otherwise will lose November's elections.
The previous Democrat Big Lie has been, as Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., paradoxically said: 
"There are no violent protests," and the violence "is [President Donald] Trump's fault."
TRENDING: Sen. Rand Paul: 'Mob would have killed us' if not for police
CNN and other left-leaning media are concealing the extent of their fellow-leftists' bloody violence, but sane people no longer believe their propaganda.
No intelligent person should believe politically self-serving words Biden and other Democrats will now mouth to "socially distance" themselves from the violent terrorism plague they unleashed, condoned, encouraged and praised.
Vague talk is cheap. Mr. Biden says "needless violence" is "wrong" – implying that "necessary" violence by roving leftist mobs is fine.
Before we can believe Mr. Biden (and other Democrats), we need specific, non-evasive answers to 14 questions:
1. Mr. Biden, you now say "burning down communities is not protest." Such violence is not a constitutionally protected right but a crime. Why have you not demanded the arrest and imprisonment of these violent criminals?
2. Mr. Biden, when will you fire your own staff members who help fund bail for these violent criminals?
3. Mr. Biden, will you condemn by name the Democratic mayors who have ordered their own police to "stand down" and not arrest robbers, arsonists and those attacking police with blinding lasers, explosives and other weapons? Will you demand by name that these mayors resign?
4. Mr. Biden, will you condemn by name Democratic state governors who opposed President Trump sending federal peace officers to protect U.S. citizens' civil rights?
5. Mr. Biden, will you demand by name the resignation of all Democratic mayors and governors who create "sanctuary" cities or states that "nullify" federal laws? This is secession, an act of civil war, that protects criminals and terrorists.
6. Mr. Biden, will you demand by name the resignation of Democratic district attorneys and state attorneys general (many of whose elections were funded by George Soros) for high-handed tactics to smear police and encourage mobs? Will you demand resignations from Democrats who have "defunded" the police and "decriminalized crimes" such as shoplifting?
7. Mr. Biden, your comrade House Speaker Nancy Pelosi days ago called Republicans "domestic enemies of the state." Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., says such radical rhetoric caused a mentally deranged supporter of socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to shoot him. Will you condemn Pelosi's violence-encouraging hate speech?
8. Mr. Biden, America's Declaration of Independence affirms the right of citizens to overthrow tyrannical government. If the U.S. government taxed citizens 100% of their income, would that be slavery? At what level of taxation does government become tyrannical?
9. Mr. Biden, in America where left-wing terrorism and COVID-19 shutdown have destroyed tens of millions of businesses, jobs and dreams, do you comprehend that raising taxes by many trillions of dollars as you propose on at least 82% of Americans is itself socialist violence?
10. Mr. Biden, guerrilla-warfare-trained Marxists like the leaders of Antifa and Black Lives Matter argue that theft or destruction of private "property" is not "violence." Do you agree? If it is violence, will you demand imprisoning these criminals?
11. Mr. Biden, Democratic officials have denied police protection to citizens, so will you end your plan to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens who must protect themselves?
12. Mr. Biden, you describe yourself as a Roman Catholic, but you advocate taxpayer-funded abortion without limit. Do you regard murdering millions of innocent unborn babies as "necessary" violence? Isn't abolishing abortion today's abolitionist struggle against slavery?
13. Mr. Biden, is it racist that African Americans – roughly 12% of our population – suffer more than 25% of all abortions? Taxpayer-funded abortion-factory Planned Parenthood's co-founder is racist eugenicist socialist Margaret Sanger.
14. Mr. Biden, when will you resign for the Barack Hussein Obama-Joe Biden agreement allowing apocalyptic, terrorism-funding theocratic Iranian dictators to acquire nuclear weapons? Why do you think law-abiding gun owners are more dangerous than Iranian terrorist nukes?
Lowell Ponte is a former Reader's Digest Roving Editor. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and other major publications. His latest paper co-authored with Craig R. Smith, "The Secret War," shows how to rethink several areas of investment to protect and grow your savings against little-known economic threats. For a free, postpaid copy, call toll-free 800-630-1492.

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