Thursday, June 25, 2020


Banning Liebscher (Jesus Culture YouTube channel)
I've heard it said many times lately that revival is coming. I believe that to be true.
In America, you can feel it in the air. 
It's almost tangible. 
Whether it's the magnification of the fear and unrest that we have been feeling as a country or the idolatry of a political spirit that is attempting to suffocate our everyday lives.
No matter the culprit, it's obvious to me that a unifying agent is needed to bring us out of our current state and into God's glorious plan for His people.
First, I think it only makes sense that, if we are truly about to see a next great move of God, we would first be in a state of chaos and unrest. 
I believe one of the purposes of revival is to bring a solution to those two issues.
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When revival comes, Jesus will bring order to the chaos and pandemonium that the world promotes. 
He will align the hearts of the people who call on His name with the ever-loving, gracious heart of the Father. 
He will also bring rest to the souls of the spiritually worn out and tired. 
When the world has done all it can do to make us weary, the revived heart will find energy to move forward and the strength to press through.
Another sign that points to a nearing wave of revival is the urgency in many leaders to train and equip the saints. 
I believe God is positioning His bride for the work that will be necessary when the harvest comes. 
I believe He is raising up leaders who will not only be ready to answer the call but will be actively pursuing opportunities to serve.
Will God move without His church being ready? 
Will He open the floodgates of revival if there are not leaders equipped to respond? I think not.
I'm not the only one who believes God is preparing His church through the building up of leaders. 
He shared his vision for what is about to come.
"I believe the local church should be a leadership-making machine. 
I believe that they should be developing leaders and sending them into their cities," Liebscher said about his passion for training and equipping the next generation. 
"The next five years and beyond for us is just saying, 'How do we not only plant churches, but how do we come alongside and strengthen churches, raise up leaders and believe God for revival?'"
Throughout history, God has chosen to partner with His creation to bring revival. 
Would He stop now? 
He may work in suddenlies, but He's not unprepared. 
He may be sovereign, but He's not controlling. 
He's loving and He's passionate. 
He's steadfast and He's kind. 
He is preparing the fields for harvest. 
And because He doesn't move in vain, He is readying His church.
For love. For family. For revival. 
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