Friday, June 26, 2020


Today's devotional reading for:
Friday, Jun 26, 2020

George Whitefield

“… unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
— John 3:3
Do you ever think about our nation and wonder whether God will renew a land that has sunk to the moral depths that ours has? 
Is there any hope for the society in which we live? 
Perhaps we can take a cue from another time, another society.
The period in which we live is not unlike that of the opening half of the eighteenth century, especially in England. 
At that time, adultery, fornication, gambling, drunkenness, and the breaking of the Sabbath were commonplace. 
Crime was rampant, and sin was the norm. 
Sounds rather contemporary, doesn’t it?
But then John Wesley and George Whitefield came on the scene, and revival began. 
It came as an electric shock and galvanized the people of England. 
As revival took place in England, the morality and religion of the country changed completely. 
(In fact, historians say that the Victorian period was in many ways a byproduct of the Wesley-Whitefield revivals.)
God used George Whitefield not only in England but also in America. 
Whitefield preached in various colonies and helped found the University of Pennsylvania. 
So great was the change Whitefield sparked that it became known as the Great Awakening.
Whitefield had made England and America his parish. 
Tens of thousands would come from miles around to hear him preach. 
What was his life-changing, culture-changing message? 
The same text that had pulled him into the kingdom of God: 
“Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 
Near the end of Whitefield’s life, one of his friends asked him, “Why is it that you preach so often from that text, ‘Ye must be born again’?” 
Whitefield answered, “Because ye must be born again.” 
With this simple message, Whitefield helped transform the core of two countries.
To save our great nation, we, too, must declare throughout the land, “You must be born again.” 
Perhaps today you can share this message with someone you know.
“Take care of your life, and God
will take care of your death.”
George Whitefield

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