Saturday, May 2, 2020


The War Chest Collection—an offer you just should not pass up. You will receive 4 books by Mario Murillo for only $35. And you will be getting books that are still in great demand.
Vessels of Fire and Glory. We are thrilled at how Vessels of Fire and Glory is still a bestseller and continues to receive critical acclaim from all over the World.
Critical Mass has sold over 150,000 copies, and remains a classic and how to pray for the Critical Mass that leads to revival.
Fresh Fire This book is so influential it coined a new term for fresh baptisms of the Holy Spirit. You have heard Robbie Dawkins talk about how Fresh Fire changed his life.
Edgewise. Finally, there is Edgewise a book of wisdom for living in the last days.
Why are we doing this? We have many good reasons for making this stunning offer to you. The first is that we received very good news today about our tent crusades. That means, we will soon be announcing a re-launch. Because of this, we need to replenish our War Chest. That is why we call these books the War Chest Collection.
The next reason has to do with how God has been dealing with us about money. For several months we felt we should not mention money. Even now we do not feel comfortable doing a regular fundraiser. We felt this needed to be done in a way that will be a blessing to everyone involved.
Think of it! You will be building a mighty library, while at the same time investing in souls. All proceeds from the War Chest Collection go directly to winning souls. You will be a part of reaching the homeless, addicts, gang members and multitudes who come to our tent and our new outreach online.
You know the old saying “while supplies last.” We will only be able to make this offer through May 31st. Don’t be disappointed, get your War Chest Collection right now by using the link below.
And you know the other marketing cliché right? “But wait there’s more!” Well, there is more. This offer includes free shipping and your copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory has been autographed by Mario Murillo.
Even if you have already gotten your copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory this is still a great way to get another one to give away. Thank you for claiming your War Chest Collection right away. And rejoice with us that the Tent will be going back up!
Mario Murillo Ministries
P.S. Don’t forget that you are not just getting an amazing offer on some powerful books, you are also filling our war chest to win lost souls.
Get your War Chest Collection right now by using this link

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