Friday, March 27, 2020


There is Nothing ‘Novel’ for God 
Deepika Sagar

Corona breakout, what a time to renew your faith and live by it enjoying the assurance of the Lord! 

It is in times like these that fully committed believers can laugh at the enemy’s attack, knowing and resting in the promises of the Lord. 

This can be our ‘wow’ time where we shine in the fullness of our faith, assured by His Word that God has the power and desire to save us.

We, as believers, should be excited to see the coming deliverance of the Lord as His spirit moves around, protecting those who trust in Him. 

It shouldn’t be a time of panic or worry but a time to live by what we say we believe, and by what we do not see rather than by what we do see. 

That’s faith. 

We have His divine protection all around us, allowing us to live in His freedom. 

What a blessing!

Practise His presence daily. 

Continually, speak His words over yourself and your loved ones and see the miracles happen. 

Can we doubt the power of the Lord? 

This is not about new strains of microbes moving within us. 

Remember, nothing is ‘novel’ for God. 

He knows everything that impacts His creation. 

In Him, we have the power to overcome anything. 

Use the power of the Lord, that flows in you and through you and stand firm as His living testimony. 

There is life in Him and through Him.

Psalm 91:7 says, 

‘A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.’

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent (Ps 1:9,10).

Make a conscious decision to live out your faith. 
Make the Lord your refuge and enjoy His safe pasture, no matter what may come.

Dr. Deepika Emmanuel Sagar lives in India with her husband and children. Contact

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