Tuesday, March 31, 2020



Committed to steal, kill, and destroy your freedom

Dear Friend,
The Progressive Left wants to stop Americans like you from choosing our political leaders through fair and free elections. 
That should be obvious by now as we’ve watched these elitists spend the last three years working to overturn the 2016 presidential election results. 
Now, with less than eight months until the November election, they’re becoming increasingly desperate.
Why? What is it they hope to accomplish?
Sadly, their ultimate goal is to replace self-government with an all-powerful socialist state. One that will supplant and suppress Christian morality and dictate how you and I live and what we are allowed to say.
It’s already happening. 
Just look at the growing list of people facing fines, loss of a job, or even jail for refusing to go along with the ever-increasing LGBTQ agenda. 
It is just one more step toward the socialist goal of turning America into a secular state once and for all.
Freedom-loving Americans like you and I need to be aware of what is happening and equipped to deal with it. As veteran Washington, D.C. journalist Robert H. Knight reminds us, 
“The Left has captured much of the culture . . . [but] nowhere in the Bible does Jesus exempt the public square from our Christian duty to breach the gates of Hell, being salt and light in all we do.”
And now, Knight has just completed the telling, new book Liberty on the Brink: How the Left Plans to Steal Your Vote
You’ll discover the many threats to free elections posed by un-American socialist activists, including
  • How vote recounts invite cheating—with contested outcomes almost always winding up in the Democrat column.
  • Why voter ID laws make sense—and why the Left sues to strike them down.
  • How voting “reforms” like automatic voter registration and same-day registration helped turn California, a once competitive state, into a one-party monopoly.
  • Why the Electoral College is a vital bulwark against mob rule—and how the Left is trying to subvert it.
And now, with the outbreak of the coronavirus, some on the left have called for more mail-in voting, which may sound good right now, but it is the easiest way to commit voter fraud. To help you be aware of these tactics, I want to send you Liberty on the Brink as our thanks for your generous donation.
And to further expose the Left’s schemes, we have brought together a powerful group of experts in the exclusive new DVD Stealing Your Vote! Exposing the Left’s Plan to Undermine Free Elections. You’ll hear from those on the frontlines of the culture war, including Robert H. Knight, Gary Bauer, Brigitte Gabriel, Abraham Hamilton, III, Constitutional attorney Jenna Ellis Rives, and others.
We will send you Liberty on the Brink plus the DVD Stealing Your Vote! for your generous donation of $50 or more. These critical resources will help you stand and defend our freedom, recognizing that more than election-outcomes are at risk. The rule of law and the American Experiment itself is at risk.
During these uncertain days, I want you to know that you are in our prayers. We serve a merciful, sovereign God who has not been taken by surprise by the COVID19 outbreak and subsequent economic fluctuations. Together, we can fully trust Him and look to the future with hope rather than fear. We covet your prayers as well, and if you are able to make a tax-deductible donation today to help us continue to speak truth into the culture, thank you!
May God bless you and keep you safe,
Frank Wright, PH.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries
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