Sunday, March 29, 2020


Author Rabbi Schneider says not only do Christians not have to fear the increasing severity of the coronavirus COVID-19, but our eyes should also be opened to the reality that as we approach Jesus' Second Coming, circumstances will continue to get worse.
"When you're in a relationship with God, you don't have to be afraid of anything," Schneider says. 
"More than a hundred times, the Scriptures tell us, 'Do not be afraid.' 
So I want to say to you today, reject fear. 
Fear is not an appropriate response to what is going on. ...
"We should be living with the soberness, with the recognition, that life is dangerous, that bad things happen and that evil is real. 
That's the truth. ... We are going to continue to get more chaotic. 
We've been seeing it for year already: the climate change, the temperature change, the instability of the economy, the peripheral world. 
Things are going to continue to become more unstable. ...
"The Spirit of God that's been holding the earth in order is going to begin to withdraw exerting His authority, and when the Spirit of the Lord begins to withdraw exerting His manifest presence in the world, the result of that withdrawal is going to be darkness and chaos will increase."
To watch the entire video, click here.
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