Tuesday, March 3, 2020


A black robe call to arms

Exclusive: Scott Lively sees pastors' group as 'last line of defense for America's survival'

This week, WND's David Kupelian republished a sobering article titled "Google's stealth plan to defeat Trump in November," describing the internet giant's awesome power to manipulate "swing" voters through control of the information they receive from search requests. Google's potential for propaganda-based election fraud in 2020 is staggering.
However, the Christian church has its own Bible-based information control system that can not only offer a truthful perspective on the issues to vast numbers of potential American voters, but can openly, ethically and legally urge them to vote their values. 
That information system is her pulpits, which have been largely silent on "political matters" for far too long.
I'm writing this article in my dual role as a constitutional law attorney and a long-time member of the Black Robe Regiment – the informal network of modern Christian clergy who follow the example of our many black-robed predecessors, pastors who physically led troops in the Revolutionary War for Independence in the generation of the founders. 
The British army so feared the militias led by these clergymen that they named us the Black Robe Regiment. 
Today a growing number of us are honored to claim that heritage and to work together to rebuild its ranks for the cause of Christ in this dark hour of need.
The weapons of today's "black-robed" clergymen are not physical (yet, thankfully) but are "mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). 
What exalts itself against the knowledge of God in our generation is God-denying Marxism – the same enemy faced by our country in World War II, when the form of Marxism was called "National Socialism," and in its aftermath, when the Marxist enemy marched under the banner of "Soviet Communism."
Today's enemy eschews both labels in favor of the terms "progressive," and "democratic socialist." 
They have abandoned both the swastika and the hammer and sickle in favor of the six-color rainbow flag, but their agenda remains the same: 
the destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization and establishment of a global Marxist order on the ashes.
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The Black Robe Regiment does not fight on behalf of any man, but on behalf of the King of Kings. 
Our label is not "conservative" or "Republican" but "Blood-Bought Servants of the Lord of Hosts."
The authority we embrace to steer the nation back to biblical values has nothing to do with any decrees of the Supreme Court, the statutes of the Congress or the executive orders of a president. 
Our authority is the same Bible on which the founders built the framework for our government of delegated power – it precedes and supersedes the government, flowing from the law above the law.
We don't seek or need a "theocracy" because our founders bequeathed to us the world's first non-sectarian but theistic "secular" order: 
a constitutional republic designed to be dependent on Christian civic stewardship to survive.
Are we then acting in defiance of the law? 
Absolutely not. The human law of our land as it relates to our nation's relationship to the God of the Bible rests firmly on His solid rock of sovereignty. 
That foundation was recognized (not established) by the Supreme Court in Church of the Holy Trinity v. the United States – not in a minor footnote, but in 27 paragraphs of documentation in the ruling itself.
Yes, Marxist agents in our government from Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama have worked to disenfranchise the church over the past century, but their machinations cannot invalidate the law above the law, nor the history of our national obedience to it. 
They can only spin the false narrative that "separation of church and state" means government hostility to God.
But our currency bears witness of the truth: 
"In God We Trust" is not just our national motto, it is the ultimate presupposition of our law and culture. 
Rejection of God is UN-AMERICAN lawlessness. 
We can and do tolerate atheism because freedom of thought is a God-given right, but we of the Black Robe Regiment do not grant it legitimacy as a premise of any laws or policies, and we recognize our duty to reorient our courts and legislatures to the God-honoring "ordered liberty" we inherited from the founders.
If you doubt the truth I espouse herein or bristle or blanch at the notion of Christian civil stewardship, then do a simple search on the topic of "election sermons" and educate yourself about the concept of "secularism" as it was understood by the generations who established and built upon the foundations of American government and society.
If you are a Christian pastor, or a Bible-grounded leader of any stripe, chafing under the yoke of illegitimate restraints on your freedom of speech and worship, I invite you to join the Black Robe Regiment and our mobilization to overthrow Marxist tyranny in America
– including all the things our nation's children are subjected to by the current Godless puppet-masters we've allowed to take the seats of power in all our institutions.
The Black Robe Regiment is the last line of defense for America's survival 
– and the front line of offense to restore her to legitimacy as One Nation Under God.
We've organized an invitation-only Black Robe Summit Meeting at the geographic center of the nation for mid-April. 
If you want more information for yourself or your pastor, contact me at scottlivelyministries@gmail.com.

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