Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
My latest in PJ Media: Amid all the controversy over where the coronavirus comes from (don’t you dare call it the “Chinese Virus,” a la “Spanish Flu,” that would be racist, and to be racist is worse than the virus itself) and what should be done about it, a Muslim cleric in Syracuse, NY., has […]
Whatever the motivation, he and others certainly let them roam free. My latest in FrontPage: Gordon Brown, who was Prime Minister of Britain and leader of its far-Left Labour Party from 2007 to 2010, has been accused of making a dirty deal with Saudi interests that resulted in a hands-off order to British police regarding […]
“The Baha’i faith was founded in the 19th century by an Iranian, the Baha’u’llah. Believers consider him a prophet, a sharp contrast with the orthodox Islamic view that Mohammed was God’s final messenger.” The mainstream Islamic view is that Muhammad was the last prophet, an idea that is based on this Qur’an verse: “Muhammad is […]
“I contacted senior doctors, and they told me that as of this moment, there is not a single case in Gaza.” Cases were confirmed in Gaza the next day. Magical thinking and claims of divine judgment regarding the coronavirus are not restricted to Muslim clerics, but among what are group are the infections of those […]
Why do jihad terrorists in Israel not hesitate to target civilians? Find out in The Palestinian Delusion. “Jerusalem: Minibus carrying Jews ambushed by firebomb-throwing Muslim terrorists,” BtNews, March 23, 2020: BREAKING: Once again, Muslim terrorists attempted to murder Jews by throwing firebombs at a minibus in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem. The vehicle was completely […]
Shubham Sharma wrote this in an exclusive article for Jihad Watch: Thousands of Indian Muslims are creating mayhem and refusing to go home in order to accomplish their ends. Their outlandish actions at the time of this deadly outbreak are plunging India into uncertainty. These demonstrations are simply spoiling the efforts of the government, which […]
Sharia directs that women accused of adultery be stoned to death. This report does not explain why this woman was shot to death instead. In any case, putting adulterers (although usually only women are punished this way) to death is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, even […]
Israel-haters have accused that country of, among other crimes, of deliberately creating and spreading the coronavirus, in order to harm Muslims. It does not matter that the coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan China, nor that the two countries most affected so far have been China and Italy, neither a Muslim country. The latest charge, by […]
Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, has now refused U.S. help to fight the virus. So far, he has been dismissing the seriousness of the virus, declaring that it will easily be overcome through a “health jihad.” Meanwhile, Shia clerics continue to pressure Khamenei to leave open the nation’s holiest shrines. Some faithful followers of […]
Nothing stops the jihad war against infidels, not even coronavirus. The Islamic State’s prayer to Allah is for the weaponization of the virus: “We ask God to increase their torment and save the believers from all that.” The group has been seeking ways to exploit the spread of the virus. It has now “urged its […]
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