Monday, March 30, 2020


Nancy Pelosi held up relief for Americans until she got money for art. 
Then she turned around and likened President Trump to the Emperor Nero “fiddling while Rome burned”, something that historians believe never really happened. 
And her accusations are likewise, also made up. 
Her actual words were, “As the President fiddles, people are dying.” and “Don’t fiddle while people die, Mr. President.”
I will soon explain why that insane remark has gone unpunished.
Pelosi is also deflecting scrutiny away from the fact that it is the Democrat leadership who has acted with callous disregard toward the American people during this coronavirus pandemic. 
As with the made-up ‘Russia collusion’, and the Ukrainian ‘quid pro Joe’, once again, they are accusing Trump of the very things they are guilty of.
I need to make some points very clear. 
The first point is the madness of ‘not wanting to look racist’. 
Democrats both delayed action and fought needed action, because they ‘didn’t want to look racist’. 
This delirium of ‘wokeness,’ finally, is looking as crazy as it should have looked, all along.
This Covid-19 outbreak should have taught us the madness of open borders, forced diversity, and globalism. 
But, no: both Bernie and Biden wanted the borders to remain open. 
And, to this day, neither have advocated for closing them.
They attacked Trump for his travel ban on China, accusing him of racism and xenophobia. 
Not only this, but after the travel ban, both the health director of Democrat controlled New York City and mayor Bill Di Blasio encouraged people to go out to restaurants and gather in crowds! 
They especially defended going ahead with Chinese New Year celebrations, so they would ‘not look racist’. 
This helped spread the virus, and now New York is the hottest hotspot in the nation, with huge numbers infected.
The other point is about Trump hatred. 
The Left say anything they want against Trump without punishment. 
No slander is off limits—no question is too stupid, or loaded—no lie is too great, and no accusation too outlandish. 
Worst of all, no national crisis is too great to shut them up. 
As long as it is about Trump, it is allowed. 
And because the news media is in on this practice, journalism is dead in America. 
When it was reported that America was first in the world, leading it with the most cases of coronavirus, Hillary showed her hatred of both Trump and Americans when she tweeted, 
“Well, he promised, ‘America first’” 
That obscene remark was widely condemned. 
But notice how she has not apologized for it. 
That is because she knows she doesn’t have to, after all, the media will cover for her. 
Can you imagine that being said about anyone else but Trump?
We are in a national crisis. America historically has put aside partisan malice, and has always rallied behind the Commander in Chief.  
Not this time. Hatred for Trump is so sociopathic that even obstructing the President’s efforts to save American lives is allowed. 
They dragged their feet because they hate him, then they accuse him of dragging his feet, because they hate him.
I am begging America today to see this evil. 
Ask yourself, “Am I just as guilty of hating Trump as these politicians and leftist journalists are? 
Is there such a thing as going too far?” 
“Can any nation survive this kind of hatred?”
But why do they hate him so? 
They hate him because he won. 
They hate his victory so much it blinds them to everything else including the pandemic. 
The idea that he won and keeps on winning dismays them.
That they want to attack him more than they want to attack the coronavirus should utterly outrage you. 
What else must they do before you realize they are not just Trump’s enemy…they are yours. 
May God grant us the will to rise to our sacred duty to defeat this virus. 
And may God grant us the resolve to remember in November who these people are and strip them of their power to hurt us again.

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