Tuesday, February 25, 2020


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School Boards and America's Future

Dear Friend,

One of the greatest threats to America's future is what is happening in our nation's classrooms.

From grade school to the most elite universities, leftists are obsessed with destroying the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.

Well-funded groups like the Human Rights Campaign, the Southern Poverty Law Center (the SPLC), and many other radical organizations are set on pushing transgender mandates into public schools, all across the country.

These groups are transforming our classrooms with a multifaceted transgender agenda:
  • Allowing students to use any bathroom and locker room of their choosing regardless of their biological sex,
  • Forcing teachers and students to use false pronouns,
  • Letting boys compete in girls' sports, and
  • Confusing children by teaching them that it is okay to question their biological sex.
Students have long been pawns in the progressive chess game. Their strategy is an all-out assault on parental rights and religious freedom.

At Family Research Council, we understand this; what is taught in America's classrooms affects our culture now and for future generations.

That is why we are calling on you, our FRC partners, to stand against this assault on the frontlines -- at your local school board!

The school board is one place where everyday citizens can change the future trajectory of our nation. Participation offers an opportunity for parents, teachers, and engaged citizens to stand against dangerous policies and curriculum that threaten our children.

Would you pledge to attend your local school board meetings and make a generous, vital gift to help FRC equip and mobilize believers to take a stand in their local school districts? 

Together, we can make a difference across America.

All across this country, LGBT ideologues are co-opting school boards and curriculums in an attempt to plant seeds of confusion in the minds of impressionable children and change the sexual and gender norms of future generations. 

What follows are just a few examples.

Fairfax County, Virginia, is the tenth-largest school district in the nation and one of the most liberal. In 2015, the Fairfax County School Board added "gender identity" to the Fairfax County non-discrimination policy. 

The school board rushed the transgender guideline to a vote with no hearings, no impact study, and no public engagement.

Parents and students in Fairfax County were then told that boys would be allowed to use the girls' restrooms. 

A vote of 10-1 was pushed through while parents tearfully begged the school board to stop this threat to the privacy and safety of their children.

That is why engagement at the school board level is so crucial!

The California legislature changed their state law in September 2018 to include LGBT issues and sexual practices as part of their statewide sexual health education. 

The K-12 curriculum introduces sexually explicit content to students as young as eleven years old.

The bill included a provision allowing parents to pull their children from their school's sexual education class, but some districts didn't make that information public. Parents in Chino Valley, California -- who, thankfully, were aware of the change -- went to their local school board and demanded that the school district allow them to opt-out of the sexual "health" curriculum.

At FRC, we know that parents -- not teachers, administrators, bureaucrats, or any other government official -- have the fundamental right to direct their children's education.

This means when school districts implement harmful policies and curriculum, we want to equip parents to protect their children and America's future.

We must stay engaged at the local level. 

Will you take a stand today -- get involved and fight for the rights of parents and students in their school districts?

While many parents homeschool or choose private, faith-based educational options, a majority of families use government education. 

According to Barna research, 83 percent of Christian parents send their children to government schools.

As Christians, our job is to be a voice of guidance and reflect God's purpose for all children: to "train [them] up in the way they should go." (Proverbs 22:6)

Please give your most generous gift so that together we can be a light in the darkness that is invading America's schools. When we respond in obedience to God, we will find that others will stand united with us.

Thank you for your fervent prayers and continued support. Let's continue to advance faith, family, and freedom for future generations -- and the future of our nation.

P.S. - It's not too late! With your most generous gift, we can work to reclaim America's education system and equip parents and school board members. Please join us in protecting children in our nation's schools. Together let's turn things around and ensure the future of our country.
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 2020 Family Research Council.
801 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 2000

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