Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Sacred Storm
Karen Pourbabaee

“For Thou hast been a stronghold…a shelter from the storm.” Isaiah 25:4 RSVCE

Most of us think of storms as ominous and overwhelming, tumultuous and even treacherous at times. 

Storms have always been a metaphor for life’s adversities. 

Do you feel surrounded by the storms of life? 

Fearful, yet trying your best to hold onto your faith? 

The Lord can transform your scary storm into a sacred storm. 

Surrender in the storm. 

Relax, because the Lord is near, in the midst of it.

 “I keep the Lord always before me; with the Lord at my right, I shall never be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices, my body also dwells secure.” (Psalm 16:8-9 NAB) 

This is a great Word to pray when you are caught in the storms of life. 

Seek Jesus as the disciples did in the midst of a storm at sea. 

They went and woke Him up because they knew the source of their help and they knew His power. 

“He awakened, rebuked the winds and the waves, and they subsided and there was a calm.” (Like 8:24 NAB)

Savor His peace in the storm. 

If you listen well to His voice, He will tell you: 

I am your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in distress. (Psalm 46:1 NAB) 

He will whisper, 

“Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you…”(Isaiah 41:10 NAB) 

He will gently say. 

“Peace I leave you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27 NAB)

Whenever or wherever we find God, it is a sacred moment. 

Find Him, and let Him turn your scary storm into a sacred storm.

Contact Karen and read more from her HERE.

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