Tuesday, February 25, 2020


A Democrat can win the Presidency simply because you are assuming they can’t win. 
Trump can lose simply because you believe his victory is guaranteed.
Back in November of 2018 many voices were guaranteeing a Republican victory that would see a majority in the House of Representatives. 
We were hearing prophetic words. 
We were told that the momentum of Trump’s victory would ensure a Republican victory in the midterm elections. 
There was a giddy air of overconfidence, but I had a sinking feeling.
Here is what I wrote on October 30th  :
“75% of pastors have not taken a stand in their pulpits on the midterm elections. 
Think of that.  
With the highest stakes ever—and the Christian vote essential for victory—they have not talked about this election. 
It will take a miracle for Republicans to keep the House of Representatives.  
It should never have come to this.  
The Christian bloc should have won easily.  
Tens of millions of Christians had the power to vote the Left out of office.”
Then I said this, 
“If Nancy Pelosi returns, as they predict she will, the Democrats will instantly seize the Russia investigation.  
They will move to impeach Trump and will even go after Kavanaugh.  Expect a torrent of subpoenas and gridlock.” 
I even posted this picture with the blog.
I took a lot of heat back then for going against the grain. 
But it was not hard to see the overconfidence. 
Back in 2018, we forgot several important factors and, apparently, we are forgetting those factors once again. 
Pastors are still not saying nearly enough from the pulpit. 
The church is too divided to properly rally for this election.
Factor number one: Bible illiteracy. 
American Christians simply do not know the Word of God. 
It has been absent from the pulpits of our most popular churches. 
We are paying a steep price for betraying the Holy Spirit in favor of human marketing. 
Prominent voices have been telling young preachers to avoid teaching the Biblical truths of one-man-one-woman marriage and the sanctity of human life.
You would be stunned if you knew how many Christians see nothing wrong with abortion, same sex marriage, or socialism. 
Many Christians have believed the lie that Jesus was a socialist!
This is why millions of people—who claimed to be Christians—voted for Democrats in the midterm elections. 
In some urban centers as many as 90% of so-called Christians voted for a Democrat, even though the platform of the Democrat Party embraces atheism and abortion.
The young people in our churches are the most deeply affected by ignorance of the Bible. 
Maybe it’s a lethal combination of wanting to be liked by their peers and the brutal ‘cancel-culture’ that is prevalent among youth, whereby anyone who disagrees with the Left is permanently boycotted.
Factor number two: Passive responses to prophecies. 
If you get angry because I call for unity and action, what does that say about you? 
What could possibly be wrong with sounding the alarm over church-wide apathy?  
It says you are abusing the promise of God. 
Let me explain.
All prophecies require action. 
All words from God carry a counter-balancing act of obedience. Even the promise to “heal their land” contains several conditions: 
“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
When Daniel counted the years mentioned in the Book of Jeremiah, he saw it was time for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled. 
Daniel knew that God would be faithful to His word, and that the children of Israel would be leaving their exile in Babylon and returning to their homes. 
His immediate reaction was to give up food, pray, and repent.
“In the first year of (the) reign (of Darius), I Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession…” (Daniel 9:2-4) 
Daniel understood that promises carry conditions.
So, what is the proper course of action right now?  
Do not underestimate the power of Satan to use a Democrat to fool America right out of existence. 
Do not insult the miracle God has provided, by assuming that all Trump needs to do is bide his time and he will automatically win.

These blogs were never my idea! 
I am under an edict from God, and I have felt a spike in my urgency in just the last few hours. 
Some have accused me of always issuing warnings. 
But here is what Paul said, 
“Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.” (Acts 20:31)
We must repent of assuming we don’t have hard work ahead of us. 
We must repent of foolishly ignoring signs of coming deception and criminal acts against us from the Left. 
We must repent of preaching that does not marshal unity and resolve.
The infighting and opposing camps of the American body of Christ are a grave threat to freedom. 
Every pastor must roar from the pulpit and call on the millions of Americans to realize that this goes way beyond Donald Trump—that many Democrats, especially Bernie and his followers have demonstrated a willingness to start violent revolution. 
We must realize that in the face of their hatred and demonic agenda, we are simply not ready to take the appropriate action. 
We are in a spiritual war, facing a determined enemy, yet many believers are acting as if we cannot possibly lose. 
Some even criticize those who say it is possible for Trump to lose, as if that takes away from God’s promise. 
That’s crazy!
Of course we need to vote, but this goes much, much deeper. 
We need to hear from God and present to America a compelling case for our Constitution, the rule of law, and the tradition of Faith in Christ.
If you don’t know your Bible, it is no wonder you don’t know what to do. 
If you are assuming prophetic promises are fulfilled without good old fashioned hard work and boldness, you are wrong. 
Pray about it. And then obey the Holy Spirit. 
We must be united if we are to save this nation! 

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