Sunday, January 26, 2020


The Lord has been speaking to me in contrast between what has been and what He has planned; showing me all He is redeeming, restoring and renewing over our current generation, past generations and future generations.

"May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!" (Deut. 1:11 NIV)

As the Lord has continually spoken this Scripture to me over this past year, He has been revealing more and more of what He is speaking right now, in order to prepare and set the stage for all that is going to begin to unfold. In these conversations, He has been reminding me of the history of one hundred years ago, back to the year and decade of 1920.
This year, this decade of the 20s, was the very first decade to be given a nickname "Roaring 20s." It was a decade of prosperity, but also one of dissipation (wastefulness, self indulgence). Culture experienced massive growth in cities, consumerism and entertainment, and had a "revolution in morals and manners" which was seen as liberation from past restrictions.
The dark underbelly was a "cultural civil war" and the Church became a loud voice over many social issues including Darwin's theory of evolution. There was a push from a united fundamentalists group introducing, into many state legislatures, anti-evolution bills, with the first one passing into law in the state of Tennessee. After a teacher violated this law in 1925, it then began the discussion of what we now know, in the United States, as the separation of church and state.
There was yet another loud voice in the year 1920. This voice was so astounding and magnetic, stadiums all across America were at maximum capacity and overflowing with people wanting to see and hear a woman speak. This woman was Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was overflowing stadiums at a time when women were not given a voice.
Flipping the Script
As the Lord showed me these historical highlights, He began to speak and flip the script on it all!

The Lord is declaring, "I am giving you a new name, and what once was will no longer be! I am redeeming the roar of My people in this hour! This new century will once again be called the "Roaring 20s" but it will be marked by My roar!
"My people will know and manifest true heavenly prosperity. That means they will have provision for the visions given, prosperity of My love, prosperity of mercy, grace and forgiveness, prosperous in spirit and walking in the fullness of Heaven.
"There will, once again, come massive growth to cities around the world, amassing on all mountains of influence. There will also be a 'revolution in morals and manners.' A revival is breaking out in families and in family units. People are seeing what is really important and coming back to what was once deemed old and outdated.
"Families will see the necessity of morals and manners to experience the highest quality of life and, in turn, will reduce pain, heartbreak, abuse and rejection! There will be revival in families long before it breaks out in a church building. I am moving everywhere and in every one of My kids – the ones who know Me AND the ones who do not know Me yet!
Amplifying the Voice of the Church
"The voice of My Church will once again take the stage, but it will be correcting, shifting and changing the legalistic and unjust judgments of the past. I am reviving, renewing and shifting how the voice of My Church moves the atmospheres. I am breathing a fresh breath over My Church and amplifying her voice now!
"Once, again, I have been raising up My daughters! They are daughters who know who and Whose they are; filled with My love and My glory! They are not creating a feminist movement, but one of identity and purpose. The voices of My daughters are being given Heaven's amplification in this hour. Do not discount them! They are fierce, they are humble, they carry My words and they dance to My heartbeat and the songs I sing over them. Nothing will be able to stop what I am doing in and through them in this hour."
This New Century
"The first ten years of this 'new century' will show massive shifts in every realm and on every mountain of influence. History will not be repeating itself in some ways as My divine order – My Government – is settling upon this earth.
The turnaround coming over the next ten years is coming through heavenly strategies through national leaders, and inventions coming to My dreamers, as well as many other ways – all will change nations and long-standing issues! The first twelve months will begin to show the manifestation of this as My Church, My Bride – My children – WILL BE in unity; functioning like a healthy body able to run, leap and jump!" (2 Sam. 22:29-30, Ps. 18:28-29.)
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
"Those among you not desiring unity – those riddled with pride – will see that I am drawing a line in the sand. In unity is where My peace resides. You hear the world crying out for peace. It all starts with the voices of My Church. Peace is not conformity. Watch out for those coming to you asking for peace, when in truth they will attempt to influence you to bend. Stand in My truth and all will see My peace reign.
"My Church, you have had possession of dominion in the territories in which you reside yet you have not done what you were instructed. The time is now! Peace and unity in My Body, My Church, will manifest peace in the earth!"
The Great Overturn
"All the tables the enemy has decorated and set up will be overturned! All the puppets on his strings will be cut and fall to the ground, no longer holding the attention of audiences. I have broken the trance of 'the song and the dance.'
"Now My Bride will take the stage; placing not her beauty in the spotlight, but the beauty of My Son, the beauty of salvation – the beauty of My unconditional love. This display will be so bright that all the darkness will be clamoring to crawl away into the deep. Yet, My light will be there, too, as you will see all things called 'dead and buried' coming to life and rising again! These 'dead bones' are all things plundered in the past. They are things stolen and stashed away by the enemy. All of this is being revealed and returned.
"My people are feasting and are being continually blessed. Healing is coming in this day of feasting – miraculous healing! Because of the testimonies coming, I will have many feasting that do not even yet know Me, they just know it is good! One bite and their eyes are opening. They are seeing the truth and they are stepping into all I have planned for them. One encounter and suddenly their lives are overturned and permanently marked by Me.
"This year, this first decade of this 'new century,' countless many knees will bow and their tongues will confess My name for My love changes everything (Phil. 2:10-11)!
Kairos Moments and Kairos Prophecies
"Once again, My words, through My prophets, are coming forth! The words of My prophets of old took hundreds of years for the stage to be set and made manifest. But now, what I am speaking through My prophets and My people will come forth swiftly. Especially as they are listening to My voice and heartbeat for the exact moment in time you are standing! The times of 'forever waiting' have ended. Time is held in My hands and you will see and hear the ticking of the clock begin to accelerate!
"Watch My creation prophesy to you – the sun, the moon, the stars and galaxies, the waters and the earth – they have been and continue to cry out to Me, asking for My sons and daughters of this earth to be revealed (Rom. 8:19)! I am granting their requests.
"Watch for the repetition of My words and look at each voice speaking in unison. Look at them intently for they are the ones I am showing you in this hour. They have endured much in this life, they have embraced the sacrificial and purifying fires, at My request. They are My pure ones. You will see My love and glory in their eyes.
"Don't take their quiet as a rejection; they simply desire for you to know My heart, My name and hear My words; not theirs. But, I am asking you to know and honor them. They are who I am using to be My history changers, My world shifters and My miracle workers. As you honor them, you are honoring Me and all I am doing in this moment and in the years to come. As you do this, they will pull you into an abundance you have not yet known or seen (1 Cor. 2:9-10).
MY Roaring 20s
"You are now in My Roaring 20s! My roar is shaking all that can be shaken. All I have created will remain. I am redeeming all things, all situations, and all that was lost and stolen: family, relationships, mantles, finances and delays. I am removing all confusion and you are stepping into what I have called you to.
"Do not discount what I have laid before you. Just as every fruitful orchard begins with the faithful planting of tiny, seemingly insignificant seeds, watch what your faithful sowing is bringing forth, My child! You, your life, all that was previously laid dormant is suddenly and swiftly bearing good fruit. There is new growth for this new season as I have marked it all to manifest at this set time.
"Hear and receive My roar over you and your life right now and in the days to come. Welcome to My Roaring 20s!"
Amie Rogers
Raw & Real Ministries
Amie Rogers is a lover of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother of four who operates in the gift of the prophetic, processing life through her writing. Having lived through many triumphs and tragedies she has been gifted with plenty of humility and some wisdom. Amie has been moved to share her journey with absolute transparency. She is compelled to show others the redemptive, restorative and healing power of Jesus through encouragement, prophetic words and His healing touch. Her mission is to speak His life and His love, inviting others to hear the Lord's heartbeat for them.
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