Monday, January 27, 2020


World Challenge - Daily Devotional
Jesus’ followers were gathered together in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit came and filled everyone in the place (see Acts 2:1-4). 
As a crowd gathered outside, Peter was emboldened by the Spirit to preach and three thousand people came to Christ (see Acts 2:41).
Following this historic spiritual awakening, Peter and John were walking to the Temple when they encountered a crippled beggar. 
As the man pleaded for alms, Peter told him, 
“I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:6). Instantly the beggar was healed.
This miracle had a riveting effect: 
“While he clung to Peter and John, all the people, utterly astounded, ran together to them in the portico” (3:11). 
The healed man “clung” to Peter and John; it was as if he was saying, “God’s presence is real. I have been here for years, begging for help, but I never experienced anything like this. God has stirred my soul beyond anything I’ve ever known.”
God loves to be clung to. 
He loves a heart that pursues him and cries, “Lord, your glory is too great to let it pass by. 
I cling to the hope you give me — hope for healing, for transformation, for your presence in my life and my world.”
In verse 11, all the people were astounded and came to see what had happened. 
When God manifests his glory, the greatness of his power demands the attention of everyone around. 
If such a miracle were to happen in your local church, there would not be room enough to accommodate the throngs that would come to observe and be a part of it. 
You see, people are hungry for the touch of God in their lives, believers and nonbelievers alike. 
Everyone wants to experience newness of life, something that is real.
God has placed all his majesty, glory and power in one source: Christ. 
Because of his transforming power, you can experience his presence and live a victorious life that gives forth a testimony to all those around you.
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