Monday, January 27, 2020


I admit it.  These blogs are designed to rebuke the unrighteous religious leader.  
On the other hand, these posts are meant to encourage the righteous core.
But something deeper motivates me to write.   
It’s because I believe despite all the darkness, perversion, division and violence, regardless of how low society has fallen, I believe with every atom of my being, an amazing act of God is on the horizon.
The American Church has seen a great falling away.  
That falling away is almost complete. 
Now we will see a harvest beyond anything we can imagine.  
The next outpourings of the Holy Spirit will begin in shocking locations and in unexpected ways.  
Those outpourings will baffle believers, as much as they baffle  sinners.
I target shallowness, compromise, hypocrisy, and gross negligence.  
I say it is gross negligence not only because of what they did, but because of when they did it.  
As Satan unleashed his most destructive assault on the church, and the nation, they piddled around in false success leaving their post unguarded.  
On the other hand, this blog speaks to a special remnant who are restless.  
They don’t fit anywhere.   
They may not even understand why they have held to their integrity. 
But they have held it because of what is coming.
It will be simultaneously glorious and humiliating.  
Glorious to a company of people who at this moment labor in obscurity.  Suddenly they will be raised up.  
At the same time many who are popular preachers will suffer a great demotion.
The greatest harvest in the history of Christianity will be placed in the hands of special ones—faithful ones. 
Already they are being chosen.  
Already they have an appointment with destiny that will bring them into an unimaginable nearness to Jesus.
Those who are called to this will ask and receive things that prior generations could not imagine.  
We are talking about awesome things!
They may not know who they are.  
They don’t have an inkling of what is about to overtake them.
The Lord is testing them in obscurity.  
It’s the only way that yields a vessel that can be trusted with great power.  
They have been rejected for refusing to conform to the counterfeits.  God made them misfits.  
Because He knew what was coming.
God not only knew the insanity of today was coming—He took steps to prepare a special relationship that would produce special powers for His Children.
Jesus saw the future and uttered an explosive prayer: 
Notice He did not say ministers, or celebrities.  
He said workers.  
Many want the titles, attention, and rewards…but they don’t want to do the work.  
A special core burns white hot with passion to win lost souls and heal the sick.  
They are hidden now, but soon they will shine like the sun.
But there is another miracle awaiting this unique breed.  
They will be allowed to see the world around them from the vantage point of the throne of God.  
Ephesians 2: 6 says “and (He) raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”
What do you see from this vantage point?  
You see that all the vile railings of our culture are not—in any way—a threat to the purposes of the Almighty.  
He knows the hollow arguments of the haters.  
He is not moved by the mental monopoly of fake news and Leftist social media.  
He saw it all coming and prepared the response.
And that response has already begun in our crusades.  
Altar calls that render the audience helpless before the power of God.  
I have not seen this since the Jesus Movement!
The Lord of the universe is not poor.  
He has pooled untold wealth to transfer it into the hands of trusted, proven, purified vessels whose only passion is to obey.
Finally, learn the truth of the slingshot. 
It may explain everything you are going through right now.
They are being hurt, wounded, and brought to the brink of despair before their breakthrough.  
In their pain and agony they will cry out why—why am I being pulled away from my promise?  
Why does each day take me further and further away from what You promised me, Lord?
Like a slingshot, God is deliberately building up the tension—the frustration—the fire to act…and at just the right moment, He will release you.   
There is a great falling away coming and it will result in new voices and new anointing, leading to the greatest harvest of souls in history.

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