Thursday, December 26, 2019


Dear Friend,

You know that as president of FRC Action, I talk with a lot of people -- a nationwide radio audience, reporters, members of Congress, even the president and vice president.

But right now, with just a few days left in 2019, I need to talk with you.
You understand better than most what we do here -- that you and I are on a nation-shaping journey together, restoring America's godly foundations and advancing religious liberty for our children and grandchildren.

That's what I need to talk with you about.

Our Washington, D.C. headquarters sits only a few blocks from the epicenter of the political power struggle raging across our land, from here in D.C. to your city and every city in America.

One side -- yours and mine -- wants to use that power as our Founders intended... to recognize and preserve our God-given liberty in support of faith, family, and freedom.

The other side -- the Left -- increasingly wants that power to remake America into a godless, socialist "utopia" where government controls our lives -- the Perkins family and your family, too -- cradle to grave.

Our beloved country is once again approaching a historic election that I strongly believe will determine which of those directions we go.
Will we secure and expand upon the precious gains we have made over the past three years for faith, family, and freedom...

... cutting off taxpayer funding for abortion, restoring religious liberty for our men and women in uniform, protecting children from radical LGBTQ indoctrination, confirming originalist judges to the federal bench...

... or will we sit back and watch the anti-family Left reverse every victory we have won?

As a Marine Corps veteran and former police officer, I've been trained to face just about any challenge imaginable. But I also knew there was always someone who "had my back."

Today that someone is YOU.
Your prayers, your support, and your action helped FRC Action win many major victories for faith, family, and freedom in 2019...
... and it's going to take all that and more to defend and build on these gains in 2020!

Please do your part to ensure our success by helping us meet our goal of raising $200,000 this month before midnight December 31 to finish this year strong.

Thanks to the $75,000 challenge match, your gift will have double the impact!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and for your faithful support of FRC Action throughout 2019. May God bless you!
Standing (Eph. 6:13),

Tony Perkins
P.S. Thank you, Tom, for partnering with FRC Action to continue the advancement of the pro-faith, pro-family, and pro-freedom agenda in 2020!
FRC Action is a tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Financial contributions to FRC Action are not tax-deductible.
FRC Action
801 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
1-877/372-2808 | Contact FRC Action

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